Author Topic: Unova/Brine/Verification, Unfunny starfish  (Read 88439 times)

posting the same comic over and over again is funny

very frequent BSODs and the gpu would crash at random
maybe driver stuff but idk, could also be the gpu itself

my tablet kept getting bsod and turning off wifi works for now (i still need to get the driver fixed though)

maybe driver stuff but idk, could also be the gpu itself

my tablet kept getting bsod and turning off wifi works for now (i still need to get the driver fixed though)
there were no issues beforehand and it only started when i ran games which have lots of high poly things popping up at one time (EG. Rust)

hang on who plays rust on a laptop

hang on who plays rust on a laptop
A facepunch rust event started. Since my labtop is far superior to my ancient windows 7 hp computer I decided to use that from now on.


i have always had really trashy computers over the years until i finally got this (kind of?) decent laptop about 3 years ago
could use an upgrade if i wasn't completely broke but it's good enough for what i do

posting the same comic over and over again is funny
didn't u kno repetition is the best type of humor ha it never gets old!
ancient windows 7 hp computer
dang i forgot how old windows 7 is now, just seems like yesterday i was using that man how time has flown huh

what are ur specs
gtx 770m, a mobile i7 processer i forgot, 8gb of ram, 1 terrabyte of storage

by any chance do you know how to spell laptop

by any chance do you know how to spell laptop
its an accent type of thing; i spell wierd and labtop because of local pronunciations and muscle memory from writing SAs which contained a clear accent in them

gtx 770m, a mobile i7 processer i forgot, 8gb of ram, 1 terrabyte of storage
not too much of a difference except i have a 250gb ssd :egg:
at least i have a flash drive of the same size but still isn't enough

posting the same comic over and over again is funny
didn't u kno repetition is the best type of humor ha it never gets old!
It's kind of ironic if you 🤔 about it