Author Topic: Worst injuries you guys have ever had?  (Read 4644 times)

I remember this one time i was in my science class. I was playing around with the spiral part of my notebook, and while i was at that, i stabbed myself with it, and it got stuck in my finger. The nurse came and cut the wire, and my dad came and picked me up, and brought me to the nearby urgent care to get the remaining section pulled out. I kinda regret playing around with that spiral note now.

second one was i was in 3rd grade. this was prob around when i first joined the forums.
so i was riding my scooter down the street (my neighborhood is built on a hill)
and i was going really fast. the scooter started to move around, and it eventually fell or hit a bump idk and i went flying off, and landed on my arm. i had to go to the hospital, and get one of the crappy temporary casts for a few days (it sucked because i couldent even move my fingers) and i couldent go to school for a few days either. i got a
real cast a few days later, and got a whole bunch of people to sign it.

/discuss your worst personal injuries.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 08:08:25 PM by SwiftHyena2593 »

Road-Rash on my elbow when I crashed my bike trying to do a bunny-hop

took like a week and a half to heal

When I was like 5 I was jumping on the couch with my cousin, I fell off and hit my right eyebrow on the coffee-table glass corner, had to go get stitches and I think I had a concussion, idk

I remember this one time i was in my science class. I was playing around with the spiral part of my notebook, and while i was at that, i stabbed myself with it, and it got stuck in my finger. The nurse came and cut the wire, and my dad came and picked me up, and brought me to the nearby urgent care to get the remaining section pulled out. I kinda regret playing around with that spiral note now.

Something similar happened to me once but with a pen spring lol, I was pulling on it until it was straight and at some point it snapped back, stabbed the forget out of my finger and coiled up 1 or 2 rotations inside of it

broke both of my legs trying to impress my friends by jumping from the monkey bars

EDIT: one time i also got a road rash in my knees, the first time i think i hit a tree and fell from my bike iirc, and couldn't walk properly

EDIT: thanks for the gold
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 10:06:52 AM by Curse You »

i sprained my leg and i had to limp while walking for 4 days i think

the worst thing i've ever gotten was a skinned knee lol

not me but i knew somebody in school whos arm got rolled over by a buggy or something and he had this big scar all over his arm. he said it was probably gonna get cut off but i havent seen him since last year

edit; rolled over as in the thing fell on him, it wasnt driven over
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 08:11:10 PM by limerick »

Something similar happened to me once but with a pen spring lol, I was pulling on it until it was straight and at some point it snapped back, stabbed the forget out of my finger and coiled up 1 or 2 rotations inside of it
ouch. also when i was in the nurses office i thought i would have to get the metal surgically removed from my finger. but instead they put a shot to numb my finger, and they pulled it out, and my dad took me to see IT later that day at the movies.

dislocated arm when a fat kid jumped on me when i was in a push-up position in kinder

grandpa had been dogsitting a dog he had knew and it was this big rottweiler. he was a friendly giant but intimidated by sudden movements so he took me running as the chance to tackle me and bite my nose.

he lost a tooth in the hole he created, took 2 weeks to fully heal. i had a big ass scratchmark on my arm and roadrash on the back of my neck.

I break my nose constantly and had a dentist drill into my tooth with no numbing agent.

I was on my bike onetime in a park and I wasn't looking where I going and my bike hit a loving bump and ejected me off my bike spraining my hip and leg for like a few hours

I cut my finger on something I was sharpening in general metals class in high school, bled all over.

I had a dentist drill into my tooth with no numbing agent.


Also not really the worst of mine but once i was at a McDonald's playplace with my sister and i was doing parkour or some stupid stuff climbing around and i fell and it hurt and felt like i couldn't breath for a second.