
Which is it?

< 85
< 95
< 110

Author Topic: [POLL] What FOV do you use?  (Read 2784 times)

Just wondering, trying to get the average of the most used FOV to make a weapon pack not so unbearable. NVM client.setControlCameraFov(%client.zoom);
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 12:39:01 PM by IdeTheBird »

i use to use 120 but i got so annoyed at all the old addons constantly switching my fov when I switched weapons that I just went back to 90.

you're always gonna get people complaining about fov changes no matter what you use
why does it change FOV anyway?

yeah unfortunately I dont think theres another easier way of doing it because server cant detect the clients fov.

but thats what im doing, right now I have it set so when you stop ADS it sets it back to 100. If this thread shows it needs to be lower or higher ill change it.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 12:06:03 PM by IdeTheBird »

The server CAN detect the client's FOV, but most weapon packs are old and dont use this new function.

send me an example of a newer weapon pack that detects it and I will not have this problem.

send me an example of a newer weapon pack that detects it and I will not have this problem.
the function is %client.getControlCameraFov();

i usually use 140 to 160 depending on what im doing at the time

I use 120 because I get motion sick immediately if the fov is less than 90. I can tolerate 120 for a long time.

I recently switched to 120 and I can never go back

I usually just stick with the default.

my fov is not 6.6*10^198 no