Author Topic: [NEWS] "Patient dumping" in Baltimore  (Read 7372 times)

BALTIMORE -- Overnight, Imamu Baraka was walking past a Baltimore hospital when he noticed something he says he'll never forget.

The hospital's security guards had just wheeled a patient to a bus stop, and in the freezing temperatures they left her there. The only thing she had on was a hospital gown.

"It's about 30 degrees out here right now," Baraka says in a recording of the encounter. "Are you OK, ma'am? Do you need me to call the police?" he asks.

It's called "patient dumping" and it doesn't just happen in Baltimore. In 2007, "60 Minutes" investigated the practice of removing homeless patients from Los Angeles hospitals and leaving them downtown.

Often the patients are not insured or have other financial issues, but it's unclear if that was the case in Baltimore.

This is forgeted up


When are the americans going to adopt the clearly superior european health system??? I mean it's a joke at this point. Nobody deserves to go through stuff like that. I firmly believe, like education, healthcare is a human right

It's not the first time, it's not going to be the last time.

It's basically illegal to be poor in america and if you have any serious medical problem you'll be tossed on the street because you're poor.

It's not the first time, it's not going to be the last time.

It's basically illegal to be poor in america and if you have any serious medical problem you'll be tossed on the street because you're poor.
whats up kimon

Death to the homeless

Do you own or rent your own home? Or do you contribute to your family's mortgage?

It's unjust to kick somebody out of the hospital in freezing temperatures. You should at least have some sympathy.

the healthcare system in this country is abysmal. medicare should be a basic human right regardless of your financial status.

this is pretty sad stuff. i wish healthcare in the us wasnt a pain in the ass

i'm sure nobody in europe has ever had a bad hospital experience before

I firmly believe, like education, healthcare is a human right

neither of those are rights

neither of those are rights

Then what is the purpose of rights if you can't guarantee basic needs

neither of those are rights
I can't even argue with this, this is just so wrong at such a basic level. You've got to be trolling.

Then what is the purpose of rights if you can't guarantee basic needs

forcing people to do things for you is literally the exact opposite of what rights are

I can't even argue with this, this is just so wrong at such a basic level. You've got to be trolling.

people don't have the right to be alive imo, that's why murder should be legal also

people don't have the right to be alive imo, that's why murder should be legal also

he makes a good point