Author Topic: OnVehicleTouch (seventeenth loving thread lol)  (Read 1527 times)

There's been a lot of OnVehicleTouch talk on suggestions & requests and everyone seems to be saying "uh yeah it got failbinned sorry but i'll scrounge around" and "oh dude use zone events" but not only has no one turned up anything, I have no idea how to use vehicle events.

Basically say, I mount a horse (bot) or a horse drawn carriage (physics) and want to use my SetTransfom (pretty much a teleport to a brick). How would one go about this while mounted on something like these without vehicle events? I need this command

create a brick with a zone the exact size of the brick and have onvehicleenterzone

is there an event that teleports a vehicle?

create a brick with a zone the exact size of the brick and have onvehicleenterzone
This is exactly what onVehicleTouch did, if I recall the game does not call collision functions with vehicles to bricks, sadly.

is there an event that teleports a vehicle?
I made one a while back that adds some other events with doPlayerTeleport (if you had more than 1 tele location it randomizes it using the "R" event type), you can get it from here

create a brick with a zone the exact size of the brick and have onvehicleenterzone
OK cool thanks how

Yeah use zone bricks (get zone bricks and zone events here: and, collision detection for vehicles can be done but it basically rapes torque engine with box searches and you or anyone really shoudn't do it.

arnt horses bots? so youd have to use onbottouch

arnt horses bots? so youd have to use onbottouch
Ran into issues with doing this.  Having a horse touch the brick won't teleport, but getting off would trap the player in an endless loop of teleportation into one spot.  This can only be fixed by suiciding.

it might be possible to detect vehicle collision the same way fxDtsBrick::onPlayerTouch does by using that .dll magic

Ran into issues with doing this.  Having a horse touch the brick won't teleport, but getting off would trap the player in an endless loop of teleportation into one spot.  This can only be fixed by suiciding.
which output event are you using? doplayerteleport, setplayertransform?

if you want to teleport the bot, onbotteleport is a tad finicky but it does the job