Author Topic: Worst Blocklander of the Year 2017 (Nominations)  (Read 14850 times)

so being annoying is grounds for being the worst? hmm
"worst blocklander of the year" does not mean literal worst
it's more of who was the most annoying/the most of an starfish

i nominate zach, zach and goth77

damn unova is in the double digits
i'm gonna use my other 2 noms

pie crust

shut up torin i bet you like yes man

I nominate darth c3p0 and pie crust they are gay

i nominate celau (eon) for his napoleon complex

aha you see i made this so nobody could nominate me........ i shall rule the forums forever now (zomg!)

i nominate celau (eon) for his napoleon complex
are you calling him short

tactical nuke

Imagine someone throwing a fit over being told wanting to forget animals is disgusting.

That person you imagined? That is daswurich