Author Topic: If Blockland receives a new update, what would you like to see in it?  (Read 5648 times)

almost looks like the pre-v21 maps
Shadows & Shaders Shill Detected

dll mods such as bl-browser are integrated into the game
bl browser is absolute loving garbage

trailers attached to vehicles trailers being possible
and showcased with a default vehicle
like the jeep with a flat bed attached to it
(not the big ones the small ones)

a update we never asked for

A better grid system please

- better vehicle physics
- ability to detect client's shader settings serverside
- ability to move client's aim up and down serverside
- ability to detect client's movement input serverside without dll
- bot pathfinding lol
- helicopter vehicle class
- ability to manually animate images outside of the state system
- ability to color and hide nodes on images outside of animation

all i want to see is that baby go up a few digits

Stop mounted particles from rotating out of position when looking at a close enough surface

(Granted the nodes are rotated for the particles to be emitting in that direction in the first place, but still, it's annoying)