Author Topic: Good Things to do When Bored  (Read 3856 times)


I need some ideas of things to do when I'm bored. I don't have many friends that play games on Steam so gimme ideas.

watch naruto theres like 720 episodes so itll keep u occupied

watch naruto theres like 720 episodes so itll keep u occupied
I have the attention span of a brain-dead goldfish on LSD.

the start of netflix marked the end of boredom for humanity

the start of netflix marked the end of boredom for humanity
It did, but as previously said before, I can't stand watching really long series. Plus, I live in Canada, our Netflix is bare bones bs.

I was waiting for that one.


I did this about a year ago. My skills have rotten, so thanks but no thanks.

plan for your future. start applying for universities. get a great job. join a cult. participate in ritual murder.

no that's against the law

plan for your future
Do I look that boring? yes

join a cult.
I took a match to a bible before, if that counts.

I'm skinny-ish & fit already my dude
you wont make gains with that attitude