Author Topic: i have to sit in a poopy pants seat  (Read 1872 times)

so theres this kid with bladder issues, and no im not making fun of him cause of that, but i have to sit in his seat in history. hes lazy cause he obviously doesn't shower, brush his teeth, and I doubt he even wipes. he thinks just cause he has a disorder that he can be lazy, which is the result of him smelling terrible.

but this has happened before but i was able to move my seat
but the reason my history teacher moved me was because i was talking to my friend too much, so he moved me in a worse spot, cause im still able to talk to my friends. i asked if i could move next to one of the good kids, but the kid next to him denied it.
i have to sit on the edge of the seat, and it hurts so bad. it distracts me from actually learning.
it also smells awful, and im afraid that the smell is gonna legit get on me.

what do i do?

replace the chair with someone else's if you come to class early enough, preferably the one that someone you hate sits in

replace the chair with someone else's if you come to class early enough, preferably the one that someone you hate sits in
our chairs don't come out

squirt febreeze or some other disinfecting spray so you don't get whatever's been crawling inside that kid for decades

maybe you should talk to the principal/teacher and explain the situation? just be like "the kid that sits there has hygiene issues and i do not feel comfortable sitting there" and she'll probably agree with you and move you somewhere else / burn the chair

why dont you jsut move the desks? or sit in a different seat?

bring a pocket chair and sit on that

bring a pocket chair and sit on that
Alternatively bring Pocket Sand and use it to escape.

put a plastic sheet over it so it doesnt contaminate you

could you have possibly given this thread a more infantile name