Author Topic: E3/EA Play 2018 Megathread: NINTENDO.  (Read 21261 times)

everything else
especially the skating game
the fact your sleeping on metro and stuffting on project session means your opinions are undeniably bad and may i hope god have mercy on your gay furry soul

Vault 76 looks cool

Wolfenstein is dead tbh

Bf5 looks kinda fun fite me dont give a stuff if i play as a black guy or whatever

Buying es6 fo sho

Forza 4 looks fun

New halo looks cool

especially the skating game
honestly....... thats just wrong.

cyberpunk 2077 finally gets a new trailer

CDPR wins without even needing a panel

(oh and dmc5, session, and bethesda giving away quake champions is cool too)

I'm probably gonna get fallout 76 and forza horizon 4 the moment they drop

I'm probably gonna get fallout 76 and forza horizon 4 the moment they drop

im hyped for doom eternal

dying light 2
just cause 4
cyberpunk 2077

everything else
especially the skating game

excuse me how is this bad

edit: and doom eternal
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 10:39:27 AM by Soviet Narwhal »

excuse me how is this bad

Dude its just cgi and floating text
He also posted that before the bethesda conference

dying light 2
just cause 4
cyberpunk 2077

everything else
especially the skating game