Total Members Voted: 0
id want to be a chick for a day. but id only forget other girls cuz im not gay
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!edit: thanks for the gold fellow redditor
"You're all on borrowed time." - Badspot
""You're all on borrowed time." - Badspot" - Rigel
"""You're all on borrowed time." - Badspot" - Rigel" - Reinforcements
""""You're all on borrowed time." - Badspot" - Rigel" - Reinforcements" -Trymos
"""""You're all on borrowed time." - Badspot" - Rigel" - Reinforcements" -Trymos" -Alien Cunt
This stuff is why we're on borrowed time.
I hope this doesn't end in a chainban.