Author Topic: (nail on nail action)  (Read 4085 times)

(sorry for the quick update lol)
well aren't you fun

Fake being a toy

you t-pose and pretend to be a toy

he doesn't believe it
accept death and hope god wont thunder punch you down to hell

welp i guess this is the end of the trail for little ol' me


richard: "ok i think its dead"
david: "alright get back in the car so i can put the dumpster down"


*vrooms away*

since you're made of metal the bullets just bounced off of you but it still hurt really bad
ouch!!! i gotta find some bandages to heal my aching face

it looks like i can enter the building left of me or the garage behind me, or i can check out the broken cars
the big building is a bit too far away for me to reach right now

nobody noticed the gun in the dumpster, could have taken that

look in the abandoned cars, maybe theres a cloth or bandages something in theree
edit: nevermind what would a cloth be useful for robots dont have bloodstreams

Use the nail to pleasure urself ((((in the butt)))) NO HONMO

Use the nail to pleasure urself ((((in the butt)))) NO HONMO
dont do this

Use the nail to pleasure urself ((((in the butt)))) NO HONMO

dont do this

yeah lets actually not do that
look in the abandoned cars, maybe theres a cloth or bandages something in theree
car #1

this thing's probably been through a war or two
it's impossible to get in but there's a SNACK BAR lying on the ground

i wont be able to eat this but it might come in handy anyway
it's probably expired anyway

car #2

pretty nice van tbh
i wonder what the (mysterious devices) do

you use some towels to SOOTHE the EXCRUCIATING PAIN in your FACE
edit: nevermind what would a cloth be useful for robots dont have bloodstreams

  • rusty nail
  • bar of mysterious brown foodstuff
  • mysterious remote controller device
  • mysterious square device
  • roll of paper towels

show him girl getting skinned gif :)

show him girl getting skinned gif :)
lets not

how about you experiment with the Mysterious Devices™

try to find a car that looks like it still works and use the nail in place of the key to start it up.

show him girl getting skinned gif :)

how about you experiment with the Mysterious Devices™
yes let's

it fits perfectly in my hand


ok thats loving cool i like this one
as for the other one

its boring

it has some weird magnet lookin things dangling off of it and it looks like i'm supposed to attach this to something
as of right now its useless (but ill keep it)
try to find a car that looks like it still works and use the nail in place of the key to start it up.
ah. a good idea

*vroom vroom*
oh stuff it wORKED

i'm sure its supposed to do that


well then
the car's engine exploded and launched metal pieces all over the place
you wipe your face off with the towel

god that made a big mess
the nail didn't get destroyed in the explosion so thats pretty neat
the engine could be pretty useful but its up high on that shipping container

rusty nail
bar of mysterious brown foodstuff
mysterious remote controller device
mysterious square device
roll of paper towels

stuff on the paper towels for no apparent reason
finger yourself with the nails
piss on the food stuff

shove choholat up your but

try using the magnets to get all the shrapnel into place and maybe pull that engine

do it pusillanimous individual

use chocolate to fill in bullet holes