Author Topic: a gal shot up the youtube headquarters  (Read 10261 times)

this is the adpocalypse

multiple law enforcement sources have stated that the shooter is female so i'm pretty confident at this point that the shooter is, in fact, a woman. prepare for an inevitable stuffstorm as people freak out about the shooter's gender when it should be irrelevant
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 05:30:02 PM by Mr Queeba »

a woman. prepare for an inevitable stuffstorm.

imagine youtube rewind 2018

are you , dare i say, misogynistic, mr queeba, ?

now youtube will have to ban all gun channels!

forget YOUTUBE!!!!!! im glad deer getting shot up

multiple law enforcement sources have stated that the shooter is female so i'm pretty confident at this point that the shooter is, in fact, a woman. prepare for an inevitable stuffstorm.
why is the shooter being female a big deal

A part of me is glad.

Science is dead.
Calm down

Edit: Why is posting about how Steven Hawking is dead somehow warrant all this "Oh wow, you're just trying to look like you care" bullstuff?
He was a big credit to theoretical physics and it sucks that he's gone. Actually forget outta here with that stuff
this is your brain on autism

One Officer Has Been Reported shot And Killed

This was his Last Image :(