Author Topic: e  (Read 2561 times)

i must have got my dates wrong i cause i swear to god i was the first person to post that image...........
>meme has two authors

i must have got my dates wrong i cause i swear to god i was the first person to post that image...........
Probably on the blockland forums, can you show us the source for the e meme so i can get it for the OP

where are you trying to go with this? im completely aware im wrong

also the e meme was a maxwell thing long before you guys co-opted it

I remember him doing it years ago
maxwells in our group too you know, and i give maxwell full credit for that one then. i figured it was him i just wasnt 100% sure

also the e meme was a maxwell thing long before you guys co-opted it

I remember him doing it years ago

maxwell is the clique

where are you trying to go with this? im completely aware im wrong
i give maxwell full credit for that one
my b looked like backpedaling to me i don't forum much
edit e
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 01:50:18 AM by Areforever »

maxwells in our group too you know, and i give maxwell full credit for that one then. i figured it was him i just wasnt 100% sure
maxwell is the clique

oh yeah I forgot he was in it; my bad