Author Topic: How active is this game?  (Read 3181 times)

bug improvements

that's not an update that's just bug fixes

new content

it's a finished game

making people that hate its forums leave already

i bet you thought you sounded really sly when you typed this

man what's with all these users from like 4 or 5 years ago coming back all of a sudden it's freaking me out
they're all rising from the dead it's the zombie apocalypse

that's not an update that's just bug fixes
that is an update, just not a content update but a bug fix update
it's a finished game
just because a game is technically finished doesn't mean more still can't be added on to it, hell this has probably been "finished" for a long time and we still got some new stuff every now and then lol

not that i don't agree with ur point, just arguing semantics

i bet you thought you sounded really sly when you typed this
whats the problem?

i bet you thought you sounded really sly when you typed this
he did

man what's with all these users from like 4 or 5 years ago coming back all of a sudden it's freaking me out

I assume that Blockland has anywhere from 100 to almost 300 active players based on stats from Steam and Glass
definitely on the higher end there. i play pretty often and i definitely know more than 100 people that regularly play

On average how many people still play this game?
You have no idea how often this loving question gets asked

it is
by that logic then i can say v0002 was a finished game. or that retail v1 was a finished game. depending on your views, you can always say a game is finished. my view, though, is that it can always be improved, either by bugfixes or content updates. many people argue that it isn't complete just becuase of the massive amount of improvements you can add.

man what's with all these users from like 4 or 5 years ago coming back all of a sudden it's freaking me out
they are our reinforcements

bu dum tss

hi im from 2013 and i can proudly say that

i have no clue how much the community has changed since 2 years ago

man what's with all these users from like 4 or 5 years ago coming back all of a sudden it's freaking me out
*mocheeze appears out of loving nowhere*

just because a game is technically finished doesn't mean more still can't be added on to it

which would be the responsibility of people to make addons, not to have badspot make more stuff because we say he should

whats the problem?

you being an autist