Author Topic: OfficerZach - Unwarranted threats/flaming  (Read 31472 times)

boys, i got his ego to go down, -10hp, wolf mother heading home

betcha didnt hit that submit button tho ;^)

why do you think da loop repets, is cuz it went back to da post and i kept reporting

boys, i got his ego to go down, -10hp, wolf mother heading home

badspot is my dad

but im badspot

holy stuff youre my son omgg

check his bio again, new webcomic


read it like a manga, but progress through the panels like a comic

agree on you all the way with this
OfficerZach is the embodiment of "i dont like getting hated in community!!11!! ooooh me so sad!!111111!"

just outta curiosity has he ever started talking about blf drama on his channel tho??

just outta curiosity has he ever started talking about blf drama on his channel tho??

most recent activity on either channel is liking a video on how to make a terrywad

wait no, he did something a day ago

dam i was finna say because i remember the last time someone added some blockland drama to their video

wait why did i post i wasnt even done yet noedit: and i thought o maybe zach also done the exact same thing or something