Author Topic: Who needs to be banned?  (Read 89183 times)

Every news story I posted is real and actually happened. I do not know where you're getting this bullstuff from.

Because it's new and it just recently loving happened?

Besides do you even watch the news? It's just a few sentences explaining a situation with no source.

Have you read a news article? It's literally just a few paragraphs explaining the situation but doesn't go into full detail and every other news company just copy and pastes.

difference is they have sources and we have you rambling

difference is they have sources and we have you rambling


Have you SEEN a real news article?

Have you SEEN a real news story on TV?

None of them loving post their sources. They just report on what's going on.


Have you SEEN a real news article?

Have you SEEN a real news story on TV?

None of them loving post their sources. They just report on what's going on.

ok tony

What crime have I committed for posting news without a source of where it came from?

Whenever I post a non mainstream media source you people discredit it and then stuff all over my thread. When all it takes is a 4 second look at google to find yourself a mainstream media source.

Eitherway mainstream media doesn't even cover important things going on, they are paid to only report on specific hot button issues.

Like for example MSM in europe is 100% quiet about the rapes and other crimes committed by refugees so the people rely on smaller third party news sources. But we always hear about how great Merkel is for the economy.

You people have this deep seeded fixation for mainstream media for some unknown reason. It's just crazy that you want someone banned for posting a non MSM source.

You have to understand how crazy it is that you want someone silences for posting news that you don't agree with.

I believe there is a word for this.

you are both handicaps and you should both stop responding to eachother

i think tony flunked out of writing because if there is not a source given credit then its not credible

i think tony flunked out of writing because if there is not a source given credit then its not credible

1. This isn't english writing class.

2. When I post a non-mainstream media source you people dismiss it as not "credible" anyways. that depends on the source. if its not credible then odds are the story isnt credible either that depends on the source. if its not credible then odds are the story isnt credible either

You seem like the type of guy who believes every story stuff out by MSM is credible.

the forget? lmao my whole family is republican

>>insults tony
>>falls into bait not even a post in
3000 iq

dont you claim its not your main fault that avatars werent removed because you definitely act more handicapped than i ever will

darth with all due respect i think its just best if you just stop arguing at this point

yeah youre not going to get anywhere with tony