Author Topic: yanny or laurel  (Read 1014 times)
I hear some annoying ass voice saying 'yanny', apparently it depends on what frequency you're used to, and how much music you've been listening to I listened directly after hearing the new DG

UPDATE: We scored a laurel boys and girls I heard it this time
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 01:50:07 PM by ChappersTeddy »

its literally both overlayed

I hear both at the same time.

I can only hear one tho
you explained it yourself in the op. a spectrogram of the audio shows that yanny and laurel are both in the there and they're at different frequencies

i heard if you hear yanny you have 0 iq

its literally both overlayed
thanks for this i kept hearing yanny cause i was focusing on the higher bit, but then i focused on the low pitched voice and now i only hear laurel

I hear the Slavic name Yurii but whatever