Author Topic: i got the 3ds  (Read 2290 times)

Posting from a 3ds nigglez.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 11:12:08 PM by Verification »

I cant believe Lizard Squad hacked USPS

stolen? it's expensive

Need more context

Have you contacted USPS directly to dispute that it was delivered, or have you just looked at the delivery status? If you have contacted them, what exactly was their response?

Package thieves. Calling it now
Do you have cameras at your doorstep you can check.

Asked all the neighbors, mailman ran away and can't call USPS. It was expected to be delivered Monday but it wasnt there with the rest of our mail on Saturday and said delivered.
Need more context

Have you contacted USPS directly to dispute that it was delivered, or have you just looked at the delivery status? If you have contacted them, what exactly was their response?
Can't. Just checked delivery status and no one was there to answer support or local offices.
Package thieves. Calling it now
Do you have cameras at your doorstep you can check.
Hell no
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 10:49:13 PM by Verification »

are you sure they didn't hide it somewhere on your porch to deter thieves? If not, check your mailbox for the package key to open up the big package box it might be in there

you probably wont be able to contact usps until monday due to business days, you should try seeing if you can get in contact then.

is mail you get delivered in a mailbox right at your house or is it in one of those parcel locker thingies

are you sure they didn't hide it somewhere on your porch to deter thieves? If not, check your mailbox for the package key to open up the big package box it might be in there
Neither. My mailbox is a box right next to my door and we've never had any other. It doesn't have a key to get in.
It says it here, too

Saturday, May 19, 2018 4:35 PM   FORT WORTH , TX   Delivered, In/At Mailbox
Saturday, May 19, 2018 4:35 PM   FORT WORTH   DELIVERED IN/AT MAILBOX

Give it a day and then call your post office.

Ye do you have a post office box? maybe it was shipped there

Hate to say it, but it probably got stolen.