Author Topic: Verified™ Server Reviews  (Read 1952 times)

This thread is more of a throwback than anything to Unova and has no meaning whatsoever. Interpret it how you feel like.
Date: 5/26/18
Server Review #1

Review Description:
An overview of Kohoutek's Island Freebuild.
Gamemode: Modded Freebuild
Disclaimer:Freebuilds are judged by players and admins. Do not take any of this as a representation of the host unless it says so.
Review Content:
Map and Terrain:
The map, from the start, is made from ModTer, although elegantly. The only bad part of this, I feel, is that you can see from the preview that there is not many builds outside of the center despite being a terrain. The reasoning behind this? It's too big and the center is flat. For a good terrain freebuild you generally need lots of flat, diverse areas to build upon, and this server has alot of it in the center, not so much anywhere else.

Addon Content and Time to load:

This isn't a bad amount of datablocks for a server. There is sure to be alot of content... right?
Too much, i'd say. Every tab has enough bricks to make a map un-saveable and many more.
This may draw off potential players and cause them not to want to join it.

Moderation and Online moderators at once:
Moderation is can be a draw or a plus in blockland. It depends on how much dramas a moderator has usually; They might be more hostile or toxic if they have more dramas.
There seems to be a whole lot of moderators. Most of them don't know me nor do I know them, but this might influence your decision to join it.

General Build Quality from Staff:

These are very good builds. Most are high quality and welcoming to the highest degree. They're very diverse and it looks like it took time to make them, albeit they're not shader friendly.
Other Builds

I got a varied amount of ping depending on where I was. Bigger builds, as usual, seem to have the worst lag, but just walking around the terrain causes me to lag too.

Extra things I have to say:
The builds here are all seemingly unfinished or very new.
QUOTE FROM KOHOUTEK: server literally started yesterday so everythings new
From player and admin conversations, the builds here seem to last very long though.
Alot of the people here seem to have some sort of elitism towards players who are bad builders.
Some people decidedly have moved their buildings over to the edge of the map to avoid the classic problem of "Place Blocking" which occurs generally in the center or in areas with very large builds.
The host of the server is active and has no known dramas

General Review:
Moderation: 10/10 (Note: As expected for the top server of the time.)
Build Quality: 10/10 (Note: As expected from a freebuild.)
Player Interaction: 6/10 (Note: Players have more of a tendancy to build by themselves instead of collaborating. At the time I had joined, there was an argument started.)
Replayability: ??/10
Shader Usefulness 7/10 (Note: This map is always in the sunlight. As such, shaders are basically useless and everything looks the same with shaders off.)
Quirkiness: 2/10 (Note: Generic freebuild. The only addition is that the start buildings are decent and that there's a map, everything else seems perfectly normal.)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 08:04:20 PM by Verification »

cool idea, nice thorough review

*gets banned before you can experience server

unova tries to be cool part 38383

hi sup i'll address some stuff i guess

For a good terrain freebuild you generally need lots of flat, diverse areas to build upon, and this server has alot of it in the center, not so much anywhere else.
kinda haphazardly made the map with a friend. possibly got slightly carried away with the terrain but no crazy slopes or anything and there's still plenty of space to build on

Every tab has enough bricks to make a map un-saveable and many more.
have had most of these brick addons for almost as long as i've been playing blockland so consequently most of my saves have a lot of these bricks. just want to keep them around in case i decide i feel like loading something old so this is a little weird to tackle

I got a varied amount of ping depending on where I was. Bigger builds, as usual, seem to have the worst lag, but just walking around the terrain causes me to lag too.
i host this server on my average computer with an average internet connection keepin it real on a literal deserted island halfway across the planet from the US; so not the best connection.

The builds here are all seemingly unfinished or very new.
server literally started yesterday so everythings new

(Note: Players are usually arguing instead of collaborating.)
the thickest drama that's happened so far was coincidentally when you joined. the one you participated in.  the one that was wrapping up when i came back after taking a stuff so i couldn't really judge effectively. the one my limited perspective suggests you started. most of the time people are pretty chill though & i actively try to calm down any troublemakers.

thx 4 the review tho

the one my limited perspective suggests you started. most of the time people are pretty chill though & i actively try to calm down any troublemakers.

thx 4 the review tho
brickitect joined and said something about a dude's floorplan and then a few other people joined and i joined afterwards to comment on it

most of the other stuff like
server literally started yesterday so everythings new
had no way for me to know so i'll patch them out of the review

brickitect joined and said something about a dude's floorplan and then a few other people joined and i joined afterwards to comment on it
from what i saw you were the most aggressive one. you had some very vocal ideas on the definition of criticism and said rude things & further implied others meant rude things when they didn't. you seem to have a bit of a reputation of lacking in the neuron department but i think i'll let this event slide. whatever happened has happened and is over now and is not relevant any longer, therefore no good'll come if we continue discussing this.

so i'll say this; the argument you witnessed Happened To Be the only one so far. maybe if i wasn't afk it could have turned out better.

so i'll say this; the argument you witnessed Happened To Be the only one so far. maybe if i wasn't afk it could have turned out better.
what kind of pizza hut 7.99 2 large pizzas kinda bullstuff would have happened if one line which i had changed wasnt there

It would be interesting to know where the server is located.  I can't expect a good ping from a server in the UK.

It would be interesting to know where the server is located.  I can't expect a good ping from a server in the UK.
i traced the ip and it's hosted in malta, which is an island south of italy.