Author Topic: is anyone planning on doing new years this year?  (Read 4898 times)

aka never

I think you are reading my message wrong

The community doesn't deserve an unfinished build

yeah i think us clique are long overdue to stop doing new years. barely any of us had any coding experience the only thing we could present to you guys was a fancy ass build (which is getting several additions to once they release it)

i just hope whoever you whoever you guys decide should do new years this year that they do it wayy better than we did it. blockland as a community has evolved so much in the scripting department in the past couple years and it's a shame new years hasn't been able to catch up with it.

we hope you guys enjoyed the past couple of new years and hope that whoever takes over creates a better experience than we could have.

i nominate conan for minigames and other scripts

"bogdanoff, the clique has stopped doing new years"

I can code for new years but y'all gotta stop spreading rumors about me being a drug addict smh

hey, want fairy dust?

i'd gather a team to do new years but it looks like someone's already doing it

there will be no next year

there will be no next year
december 32nd, 2018: breaking news, no 2019

Clique do a good party in my opinion, keep going or we will be stuck in 2018 forever.

it's time for the new years to end

yeah i think us clique are long overdue to stop doing new years. barely any of us had any coding experience the only thing we could present to you guys was a fancy ass build (which is getting several additions to once they release it)

i just hope whoever you whoever you guys decide should do new years this year that they do it wayy better than we did it. blockland as a community has evolved so much in the scripting department in the past couple years and it's a shame new years hasn't been able to catch up with it.

we hope you guys enjoyed the past couple of new years and hope that whoever takes over creates a better experience than we could have.
dude id be willing to code everything but u gotta give me at least a few months in advance notice exactly what you want aaaaaaaaaaa

I think you are reading my message wrong

The community doesn't deserve an unfinished build
this is one of the worst excuses for not releasing a build i've ever seen

you guys had a dead line to finish your server, did not meet it, and hosted anyway with an 'unfinished' build.(which invalidates the community not "deserving" it entirely). Now its been 6 months and your group still has not come through. Its funny that even so long after the server has closed the mismanagement is still so apparent. This is a creation game at its core, so why not post what you have and let the community finish it for you?

yeah i think us clique are long overdue to stop doing new years.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 05:39:06 PM by The Brighter Dark »