
Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?

Philanthropist - I Promote The Welfare Of Others (Pro Human Race)
35 (83.3%)
Misanthropist - I Hate The Human Race As A Total (Anti Human Race)
7 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Are You A Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?  (Read 4690 times)

I really only ask this because of this conflicting issue I've had that's been built up over the past ten years or so. I am a strong misanthropist and I don't say that lightly. I actually and genuinely despise the human race.

To me, there is little to no hope of humans ever actually getting our stuff together and realistically all the human race is to Earth is a virus that nature is just trying to figure out the antidote for. If you even care to endure what I'm about to say allow me to elaborate some of the reasons I loving hate our species.

As far as certain races go too, I am extremely tribal. Because of where I grew up I have an undying disgust and hatred towards black people. It seems that the black communityy (not all of them I know) would rather blame whites for all their modern day problems than actually utilizing the resources they have available to improve their life and situation. Instead of stepping up and doing something about who they are and what they can be, they would rather live life in the slums and hate white people just because they can. There are certain people who would rather say "Oh well it's where they were born so they can't do anything about it!" as if it actually holds any real truth. Do you know how MANY programs and grants there are for furthering education if you're an African American? There is actually no excuse. forget certain states will pay for your relocation. If you don't like your life, stop blaming others and loving step up. Yes I know it sounds hypocritical to say that my reasoning for this is because of where I grew up, but it's a completely different scenario.

Next up and I know this will trigger almost the entirety of the alt-left on the forums, but I also loathe the LGBT+ community and the alt-left in total. There is no real reason why I hate the LGBT community other than their undying need to feel special and accepted in the world. They act as if people should actually give a stuff about who they are and what they want to be. It wouldn't be such a problem if they didn't start crying and bitching whenever someone said they don't like gay people. You say that stuff on the forums and you get loving assaulted with "imagine being (insert stereotypical age and disposition)" relentlessly. Or other ridiculous repetitive comments, that in the end makes me wonder who they're trying to impress. The thought of raising kids in a world where stuff like this is so openly accepted scares me. I'm sorry, not sorry. But I don't want my kid going to the same school where your handicapped mentally ill little Timmy is gonna be thinking about identifying as something other than his actual gender, AND IT'S ACCEPTED AND LOOKED AT AS OKAY. They're a stain on the white shirt of society and the only way to get rid of it is to cover them in bleach. Or make them drink it, I don't really care.

As far as the alt-left goes, there are so many things wrong I don't even want to go in to detail otherwise this post will be even more so excessively long. But in the short run, I despise the alt-left because instead of arguing with facts they prefer to spew out reckless insults and fight with their feelings instead of logic. The alt-left would rather have someones freedom of speech taken away instead of sitting down at the table and having a serious conversation because they get hurt that someone has a different opinion than them. They don't give a stuff about our country and (once again) instead of having a civil conversation about how we could live in peace would rather riot and break peoples private property in the name of "peace" and "equality" or whatever the loving stuff they believe in. The alt-left would rather instead of working, stand in the middle of the roads blocking people who are paying for their loving welfare check. They tattoo and destroy their body in the most handicapped ways possible and wonder why nobody will hire them and then cry when they don't get their way. We gave the left an inch with gun control and now they're trying to take a mile. They cry and whine in order to get what they want. It's as if several million five year olds were throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their cookie. It makes me sick to think someone could actually think that way. And that's coming from an extreme tribal.

People just don't give a stuff anymore. Nobody ever actually wants to go out of their way to do anything anymore so why should we give a forget? I say let the human race forget up and die out. We're a waste of space and there's too many reckless people on this planet for us to even think about being able to continue providing not for each other but to mother nature. These are only some of the reasons I hate us, if I continued on I think I'd need to publish a book.

Let what judgement come, come. It won't change anything.

TLDR; I don't loving know. I think I just needed to rant or something. I also may have derailed from my original question. Oh well.

So what are you? Why are you a philanthropist or a misanthropist? I genuinely want to know, and no matter what you choose know that I personally won't be taking a stuff on your opinions.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 02:48:10 PM by Aplem »

the garden of eden truly yielded the heaviest fruit...

my name is not important....

i promote the welfare of all human except people like OP, who i am organizing to have thrown into the sun

Instead of stepping up and doing something about who they are and what they can be, they would rather live life in the slums and hate white people just because they can. There are certain people who would rather say "Oh well it's where they were born so they can't do anything about it!" as if it actually holds any real truth. Do you know how MANY programs and grants there are for furthering education if you're an African American? There is actually no excuse.
Hm maybe its because these programs are complete trash...............

You just seem like a typical liberal hating alt-rightist

You just seem like a typical liberal hating alt-rightist

Well you're not wrong, so I can't pretend to be insulted.

However the college programs are very good if you actually take the time to apply for the correct ones. My wife got $10,000 taken off her MA tuition just for being a Latina. Not even first gen college student. Both her parents prior also graduated with a BA. It just all comes down to how devoted you are to actually make a change in your life.

i am a dr. phil anthoprist

i promote the welfare of all human except people like OP, who i am organizing to have thrown into the sun
fair honestly

misanthropists belief system focuses so much on the hopelessness and pointlessness of the human race, but this is an oxymoron because your worshiping the belief that the human race is unimportant and pointless, yet if your following this belief so much.

my belief is if the universe is so vast and we are so unimportant. why do misanthropists feel the need to implement their beliefs so loving hard. whats the point in conserving the earth from humans? if the human race is so unimportant yet parasitic, who loving cares? the universe is so massive our footprint is literally non existent anyways.

welcome to the blockland forums lol

misanthropists belief system focuses so much on the hopelessness and pointlessness of the human race, but this is an oxymoron because your worshiping the belief that the human race is unimportant and pointless, yet if your following this belief so much.

my belief is if the universe is so vast and we are so unimportant. why do misanthropists feel the need to implement their beliefs so loving hard. whats the point in conserving the earth from humans? if the human race is so unimportant yet parasitic, who loving cares? the universe is so massive our footprint is literally non existent anyways.

no idiot, this perspective doesnt justify by racism and family values. how can i follow this garbage

misanthropists belief system focuses so much on the hopelessness and pointlessness of the human race, but this is an oxymoron because your worshiping the belief that the human race is unimportant and pointless, yet if your following this belief so much.

my belief is if the universe is so vast and we are so unimportant. then why do misanthropists feel the need to implement their beliefs to loving hard. whats the point in conserving the earth from humans? if the human race is so unimportant yet parasitic, who loving cares? the universe is so massive our footprint is literally non existent anyways.

This is the first time I've ever actually disclosed that I am a misanthropist. The thing is, we don't inhabit the entire universe. You're talking a single grain of sand on the beach. If it was the same grain of sand as the rest, it wouldn't be important. However, our grain of sand is covered with billions of people. Realistically speaking it is one in a billion, if not more. Since we don't inhabit the rest of the beach, we really only should care about our grain. I don't care about the other planets we're not on. I care about (and I know this will sound stupid) nature. I care about the balance and bliss in innocence that is nature. Humans throw everything out of balance and screw up a functioning biological ecosystem.

So you can't really try to blow this out of proportion like that, but I do see where you're coming from and appreciate the input.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 03:16:11 PM by Aplem »

Well you're not wrong, so I can't pretend to be insulted.

However the college programs are very good if you actually take the time to apply for the correct ones. My wife got $10,000 taken off her MA tuition just for being a Latina. Not even first gen college student. Both her parents prior also graduated with a BA. It just all comes down to how devoted you are to actually make a change in your life.
That is true but it also boils down to what people are taught at a young age.

If a young African American living in the slums grows up seeing his/her parents not care about these programs and rather indulge themselves in drugs, love, etc. then they're most likely to follow them as to them all this other junk is just stuff for whities.