Author Topic: [NEWS} battlefield 5 dropping popularity by trying to appeal to SJWs  (Read 2026 times)


So battlefield was suppose to be more accurate in terms of battles.

Now they have amputee women fighting the front lines against the national socialists in WW2. It makes no sense.

So EA ignores the criticism and says if you don't like change then don't buy it.

So who is EA games appealing towards? SJWs aren't going to buy their game anyways so why are they loving appealing to them?

I thought this ourtage was already over

Demographics and market brown townysis leads companies to believe that taking a stance on social issues will garner more sales on their product if said social issue is shoe horned in.

So they think they'll make more money by pandering to SJWs.

And when they don't make any money they'll blame toxic masculinity.

Videogame boycotts don't work. The game is still going to sell 20million copies regardless of whatever stuff EA pulls.

Videogame boycotts don't work. The game is still going to sell 20million copies regardless of whatever stuff EA pulls.

Yes and no.

SJWs threatening to boycott a game doesn't work. Because SJWs had no intention of buying the game regardless.

But the regular people threatening to boycott a game because it is appealing to an SJW minority does actually work.

I do not know what the acronym SJW stands for. Please explain it to me.

Tony, if you don't kill some SJW's nothing will change.

Everytime someone advocates for a boycott, the responses remind me of the rampant amounts of nilihism present in the human race.

TBH I think anyone who was going to buy this game isn't gonna be stopped by some annoying pandering and anyone who wasn't gonna buy this game wasn't gonna buy it anyway