hey gamers, here's an update from y'boi spartan 101i talked with him, he said he was joking about it entirely, messing w/ people and all.pic:https://i.imgur.com/Aia6O6c.jpgy'all got loving played lmao
Haha yes, sending beastiality and threatening to dox/swat users, we got played like a fiddle, haha!
was in relation to what zotron posted about the swatting thing towards me but ok, gamer
yeah haha*turns on blhack and ruins your experience on a server*just a joke guys*spams dog research or something*stop being so autistic about this lol
>>too autistic to realize that it was directed at what he said to mestop being so autistic about this please
literally how is anyone supposed to realize that was directed to you dood what??????????????????????????????????????????????????????