Author Topic: Confess Stuff thread  (Read 6404 times)

Confess stuff. I'll start.

I forgeted my cousin (not related in genetics or whatever the forget).  Now we have issues because I have a girlfriend now.

I would tell you why we forgeted, but that's a story too long for this thread.

what the forget
on a side note

i regret nothing

I killed a man for beating me at yu gi oh

I killed a man for beating me at yu gi oh

People like you should be behind bars

People like you should be behind bars
how can I play yu gi oh in prison :(((

how can I play yu gi oh in prison :(((

stuff you're right

i wasted most of my childhood, blowing off preparation for the future and adulthood as "i'll have time for it later" and now i'm out of time and i'm completely forgeted. i don't have a job, i haven't checked out any colleges, i don't have any money, and the only thing i want to do anymore is make art and play instruments but i'm not sure how to turn any of this into a career because i am completely loving incompetent and my mental disorder is stressing me out ever more than before and all i ever do is eat, sleep, game, and draw. i'm stuck and i don't know what to do

ouch forget

hope things get better for you brother

was the loving your cousin thing real

yeah but we aren't blood related or whatever

yeah but we aren't blood related or whatever
the south will rise again

Confess stuff. I'll start.
I forgeted my cousin
im adding this to my signature when i can edit my profile without losing my avatar

My sophomore year of highschool I found a txt file on my school district's server with all the log-in info, lunch #'s, phone #'s, and addresses for every student in the school district grades K-12. I wasn't on an admin's account or anything it was just kinda on the root of the network drive.
I sent the file to 3 of my friends and they each sent it to several of their friends. Eventually by the end of my junior year everybody in the school district could log into anybody's account, check their grades, delete their files, and send emails from other student's accounts because the file had been shared so much. It got so bad that the IT department had to reset everybody's log ins to something new. The week that everybody had their log-ins reset I found the new log-ins on the exact same server in the exact same location but didn't give it to or tell anybody else. The IT department made it so students couldn't access the drive with the log-ins later that week.

The original 3 people I sent the original file to all got OSS but apparently not one of them ratted me out (or so I thought). I found out later from my former broadcasting teacher (now retired and currently a co-worker) that the school's administration did find out it was me who originally leaked the file but decided not to take action because I was the producer of our school's broadcasting program.

My sophomore year of highschool I found a txt file on my school district's server with all the log-in info, lunch #'s, phone #'s, and addresses for every student in the school district grades K-12. I wasn't on an admin's account or anything it was just kinda on the root of the network drive.
I sent the file to 3 of my friends and they each sent it to several of their friends. Eventually by the end of my junior year everybody in the school district could log into anybody's account, check their grades, delete their files, and send emails from other student's accounts because the file had been shared so much. It got so bad that the IT department had to reset everybody's log ins to something new. The week that everybody had their log-ins reset I found the new log-ins on the exact same server in the exact same location but didn't give it to or tell anybody else. The IT department made it so students couldn't access the drive with the log-ins later that week.

The original 3 people I sent the original file to all got OSS but apparently not one of them ratted me out (or so I thought). I found out later from my former broadcasting teacher (now retired and currently a co-worker) that the school's administration did find out it was me who originally leaked the file but decided not to take action because I was the producer of our school's broadcasting program.
holy forget
this is like those school hacker greentexts but if they were real