Author Topic: RTBland's Passable Prints - Extended letters & more!  (Read 3520 times)

You know how NumberOneTuxedo made lowercase letter prints? Yeah i stole his idea kinda.

More Characters!!!
(alongside default letters and NOT's lowercase letters)
This is like, my first real print pack that i've made, and i kinda rushed it so some characters may be off center or have inconsistency, but i kinda like how it turned out.
I reccomend you use Print_Letters_Extra and Print_Letters_Lowercase (and of course Print_Letters_Default) with this.
It's got pretty much all the letters you need for English, Spanish and French, and maybe more in the future? And some old english letters too why not.

Cup Print!
It's what it says on the tin.

More Prints!
More prints. You may be asking, why just horse jeep and target? Why not player or weapon icons? Because those are in the pack this pack is ripping off. I was looking at Vitawrap's Print_1x1_AaU and went "you know what this needs? more horses." And so i took it upon myself to make it. It's ugly. (might contain traces of me.png)
(and yes, lowercase russian is coming)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 01:30:29 PM by maxymax13 »

can you add lowercase and uppercase cyrillic

can you add lowercase and uppercase cyrillic
Since it's a whole alphabet it'll take a bit but i'll try to.

make my name possible

This looks real goob, thanks for expanding on my idea man!

can you add lowercase and uppercase cyrillic

A pack of uppercase Cyrillic letters were made a while ago ;^)

This looks real goob, thanks for expanding on my idea man!

A pack of uppercase Cyrillic letters were made a while ago ;^)
np, and that cyrillic pack replaced the default letters, which isn't what my packs are for. i'll make my cyrillic pack play along with default i'll make a lowercase cyrillic pack for that
as for c[_], i'll make a special cup character just for u
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 12:26:08 PM by maxymax13 »

that cyrillic pack replaced the default letters

I should've tried it in BL before saying anything about it, haha

New! Print_Letters_Cup!

And now presenting.. Print_1x1_More!