Author Topic: [news] rome 2 has got woke and is going broke.  (Read 3918 times)

congratulations tony but you didnt link stuff
heres something worth a damn

So this story about why people are mad is far deeper than the female general controversy. People like perry sit here and think it's about the female generals, it's not. It's about the devs demonizing the fans.
People are mad that there were women generals in their game. These people were then called national socialists. The same people then got mad about being called national socialists.

They're not demonizing fans; they're demonizing nickpicky misogynistic starfishs that use their status as a 'fan' to justify their anger towards the series. they aren't real fans; they don't buy the game to enjoy the mechanics. they buy the game to nitpick about women being in the game- an entirely arbitrary feature that has no bearing on gameplay whatsoever and is there just to make the game setting feel slightly more alive

don't call them fans, they aren't. they're literally national socialists who happen to play video games
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 01:25:34 AM by thegoodperry »

if you buy a game to enjoy the game and its mechanics then you wouldn't be bothered by something so trivial as women being in the game, something that has no effect on the mechanics. if you also weren't worried about that then you wouldn't be worried about Ella calling you loveist, because in the case above, you aren't

If you don't like women in your game, you are loveist. If you don't like being called loveist, then maybe don't hate on women for absolutely no reason. If this is a real problem for you and is interfering with your total war gameplay, then refund the game and don't play it ever again. Clearly black ops would be a better choice for you, a game with no women characters in it.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 01:31:29 AM by thegoodperry »

It's funny to me that some people are that threatened by women in video games that they will go to such lengths to attack it.
Also, none of the dev team called anybody national socialists. However, the inclusion of female generals was brought up in a neo-national socialist blog where it was attacked for the reasons you'd expect.

But, OUTRAGE! I guess...

How many female generals existed back then though?

How many female generals existed back then though?

Ancient rome had quite a few women generals, that's why they were added to Rome 2. They're only recruitable as generals for specific factions in the game apparently, and it is for real-world equivalents of factions that would have had women generals.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 04:47:51 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

Ancient rome had quite a few women generals, that's why they were added to Rome 2
Im pretty certain rome cannot get female generals

Ancient rome had quite a few women generals

I don't recall this in history.

Pretty sure rome was an actual patriarchal society.

daily reminder that tony talks consistently out his ass without backing up his claims with factual data.

daily reminder that tony talks consistently out his ass without backing up his claims with factual data.
(to noones surprise)

I don't recall this in history.
Pretty sure rome was an actual patriarchal society.
actual 0 things to back up these claims

facts dont care about your feelings conservitard

Can you name a female roman general?

Name one female roman general.

The romans had zero female generals