Author Topic: Block Wars: First Strike (New Topic!)  (Read 5534 times)

When someone makes some battle droid playertypes

Someone made one way back. I've been saving it for if I ever make any prequel stuff.

Someone made one way back. I've been saving it for if I ever make any prequel stuff.
I can't handle the swaying animations in first person. That's why i'm not using it.

Alright, as I continually build and improve my work over the course of this week, I will also host the server again this Saturday from 4:00pm to 8:00pm EST

Felucia has been updated with a new mushroom plant and the final area of the map is under construction.

A reminder,I will also host the server again this Saturday from 4:00pm to 8:00pm EST

A reminder,I will also host the server again Today from 4:00pm to 8:00pm EST

It's still open if you guys wanna join.

I'm gonna keep this on for the rest of the night. Come join!

I'm gonna keep this on for the rest of the night. Come join!
...but I can't. It keeps sending me punch packets before eventually timing out.

What do they read? Or have you checked the ping?

I'm not gonna host at this time. The college internet is no good. When I head home over the Thanksgiving break, I will host it again.