Author Topic: Why don't we euthanize the disabled?  (Read 3797 times)

Think about it. People who are genetically inferior are a burden upon our society. We waste our time, money, skills, and effort upon those who have been cursed from the start.
What good reason can you give me against taking the kids in the special ed class out back and mowing them down?

What good reason can you give me against taking the kids in the special ed class out back and mowing them down?

What good reason can you give me against taking the kids in the special ed class out back and mowing them down?

You don’t lose your right to life over genetic defects, that’s a slippery slope waiting to happen imo.

edit: between advocating for incest and eugenics, I’m starting to think OP ain’t completely serious. At least I hope he isn’t
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 09:22:18 PM by Mega-Bear »

Think about it. People who are genetically inferior are a burden upon our society. We waste our time, money, skills, and effort upon those who have been cursed from the start.
What good reason can you give me against taking the kids in the special ed class out back and mowing them down?

as much as it would be better in the long run its basically impossible due to all the backlash that would happen. I agree though because special ed kids shouldn't be in public schools only in like private schools or just a public special ed school.

how does one define "genetically inferior".

where do you draw the line?
what is the perfection that will be exempt from this slippery slope?
why don't we get rid of anyone with an iq conveniently below mine?

as much as it would be better in the long run its basically impossible due to all the backlash that would happen. I agree though because special ed kids shouldn't be in public schools only in like private schools or just a public special ed school.
I don’t know about this, the whole point of socializing the mentally handicapped with the able is so they gain a sense of normalcy and fit into society better later on. And you’d also end up with a generation that’s never interacted with disabled people.

Because if we euthanized the disabled, humanity would go extinct.

if we eithanized the disabled we'd stop seing master matthew threads

euthanizing the disabled is a slippery slope that leads to the question: "what constitutes as disabled and is murdering humans really more cost effective than just isolating them?"
we already isolate them and we already know that the one that we can classify as mentally disabled are already money drains but theyre not causing a problem

why not construct robot overlords to take care of us?

Why don't we just euthanize all humans. Why do we have to live. Why did we have to evolve. I wish we all were still neanderthals and we never invented anything