Author Topic: stupid stuff you used to think as a newbie  (Read 7893 times)

i remember thinking you can fall off the baseplate on the default map
(i dont know if you can actually fall off though im new to BL so /shrug)
u cant

I didn't know how to make one brick switches

and I still don't
(x is on o is off)

  • onactivate>namedbrick>setlight>light1

  • onactivate>namedbrick>setlight>none

  • onactivate>toggleeventenabled>[0 1]

The numpad was a myth created by Badspot because it didn't exist on my laptop.

i thought you used the wrench for changing prints and i was really confused when i didnt know how to do it.

"hey the forums aren't so bad"

I thought flood protection literally protected the map you were on from flooding with water.

I thought flood protection literally protected the map you were on from flooding with water.
HAHA YES i remember this now

I used to think you had to buy add-ons cause I had no idea what a forum was at 8 years old.

used to think that building an entire building out of 1x1f plates wasn't spammy because it took longer and therefore was "better due to requiring more effort"

used to think that building an entire building out of 1x1f plates wasn't spammy because it took longer and therefore was "better due to requiring more effort"
I couldn't even understand the concept of holding enter to build fast