Author Topic: Blockland Forum didn't deserve borrowed time  (Read 33842 times)

there are personalities on here that make me feel better about myself

if there's not something to be mad about, users will just fabricate a reason despite if it's real or not.

screenshot context is toxic behavior directed at a fabricated reason, namely strynd being accused of cub research simply because he has drawn furry child characters. result is an actual cry for help outside of any relevant context (idk why Strynd posted that here tho) being responded to with Self Delete encouragement and a reminder that in this forum slander is completely fine and disregarded, as long as you can look like a goodie two-shoes more often to your fellow trash-tier peers.

it's like 4chan for tweens and without the anonymity so you can really see which user isn't handling puberty well

i dunno if strynds actually into that trash but he sure does like drawin furry children so it raises a few red flags

but at the same time i doubt the dudes who made that stuffty muppets cartoon got off to seeing cartoon toddler frogs

it's like 4chan for tweens and without the anonymity so you can really see which user isn't handling puberty well

It's not like 4chan at all, people hate anime here and most people would suffer under anonymity because their posts couldn't stand on their own merit

if this forum was 4chan, matthew would have been saged countless times

if you hate it and the people here so much why don't you just leave for good and spare us from your bitching toothed deer?

toothed deer is scraping the barrel now, it’s hilarious and even funnier when you realize that he’s from the netherlands. wouldn’t last a second in america

This is kinda sad considering these forums have been apart of my life for a good 10+ years. I've seen some highs, some lows, the occasional breakthrough add-on that everyone flipped stuff about. I've seen topics about all sorts of things. I've seen a lot or rape, gay research, smut, scat, and whatever else the token habitual user has used to ban themselves with.

The rise and fall of RTB. Ephi being removed/shadowbanned from moderation regarding a conflict with badspot.

Content creators like Nekram, Block Eye Entertainment, Filipe, Rykuta, Gravity Cat, all seemingly gone or barely active.

I also miss those big sprawling TDMs that Jaguar and Heedicalking used to host daily.

I've seen some funny bans. Hell, been banned once or twice myself. For 10 years I've came home everyday and skimmed the forums, interacting with people and stuff. Most of these people are gone, some are still here but they lurk and don't regard to post. I've made a couple of good friends on this platform and know that most of them moved on with their lives, others are still on my steam list but they have been inactive for a long time. I often imagine what they're doing now.

But i've always noticed the community was always like this. Its because all the good folks are gone that the idiots have the spotlight. We've always had these people. I wish that we could go back to simpler times. This theoretical kid i've been babysitting for the 10+ years of my life feels like it's on it's last leg. I want to save it, but it's beyond saving. So i'll ride it out, and lament 20 years later when i'm still here and everyone else is gone.

... So i'll ride it out, and lament 20 years later when i'm still here and everyone else is gone.
you will be gone before the trash personalities that have plagued this place for the last decade even think about moving on to a different forum, let's be honest

Honestly, I see this forums as a refuge of misfits, with some users as annoying as rats and roaches, only for them to come back the next day when we think that we've moved on from getting rid of them.  We're just a group of diversity, all gathered up in these boards and pages, almost as if we're personally talking with one and another, right next to each other, sitting as we exchange thoughts and arguments.

Then we have some forgeters who just barge in with their greasy fingers, ranting about political stuff, news articles from Master Matthew that just loving suck and other wastes of oxygen.  What a world to live in.

Truth is fellas, BLF has always been uber-stuff.

you will be gone before the trash personalities that have plagued this place for the last decade even think about moving on to a different forum, let's be honest
This is a battle of attrition. I'm a very patient man.

ah, here's the mental breakdown I was referring to

ah, here's the mental breakdown I was referring to
talking to me about what i can and can't express myself about a platform, on the platform. like you don't have a breakdown about pink fluffy animals weekly, get angry enough to slam your capslock, and make tribal jokes only you and one other guy laugh at.
strange how you appear to be black but behave like you come from a family of anti-semites who beat your ass if you come home with a black gf, like wash off the facepaint, brother