Author Topic: Unofficial Spore Thread  (Read 2942 times)

Im hoping the graphics wont be super cartoony.

I'm hoping that it won't be delayed again.

These last couple of months are supposed to be nothing but testing I've heard

Will be a awesome game,but surely needs a very good computer.I hope I don`t have to get a completely new computer just for that...

Never heard of it. Mind filling me in? :D

Never heard of it. Mind filling me in? :D


Its a game,where you will follow the evolution of your own creatures.You choose what they,their buildings,vehicles and even UFOs(used for colonizing other planets) look like.Theres also other players,that you can either wage war or live in peace with.It features an entire galaxy,with its own solar system,wich often include atleast one planet(which may have a moon) to explore and colonize.Google Spore and you should find some videos.

Be sure to watch this video as well.

Wow this game looks pretty awesome, the only thing I want to know is if you can ever go back to that spore level maybe on a whole different planet or whatever, so you can have more than one creature to play around with


Im hoping the graphics wont be super cartoony.
From what I've seen, they're a bit cartoony. Unless they've made some changes since the last time I saw a video on it.

*cough* Closed beta *Cough*


If you can spare half an hour this video shows off pretty much everything there is in the game:

Also notice that the video is from 2005 so by now the game has to be twice as good.

If you can spare half an hour this video shows off pretty much everything there is in the game:

Also notice that the video is from 2005 so by now the game has to be twice as good.