Author Topic: 2018 Fake News Hall of Fame  (Read 1594 times)


Yes, it is written by the Daily Caller. No, I don't care, because it's properly sourced.

Sure, I'd like to see a list of pro-Annoying Orange fake news structured exactly like this, if it is equally sourced.


feels kinda one sided tho it’s all true and sad asf

And there's no Fox News on the list?
The bias is thick with this one.

And there's no Fox News on the list?
The bias is thick with this one.

You can make the Fox News list yourself if you're so concerned about it.

Im not concerned about the 'Fake News hall of fame' at all.
Im concerned that somebody was so one sided to exclude a large offender from the event they are the best at, and that you felt it was relevant enough to share with the Blockland forums.

Im not concerned about the 'Fake News hall of fame' at all.
Im concerned that somebody was so one sided to exclude a large offender from the event they are the best at, and that you felt it was relevant enough to share with the Blockland forums.
He knows that it's biased but it's still interesting nonetheless

Im not sure about that

I'm beginning to doubt your ability to read. Maybe you skim OPs. Maybe you go out of your way to be stupid. Either way, I have very clearly stated in OP that I am well aware of the source and its inherit bias. Nonetheless, the article is thoroughly sourced and accurate, and while bias in its reporting, it is not false, thus warranting it being shared and discussed. So, instead of fussing over the obvious bias we all know is there, do you have anything else to say?

Yeah, I did miss that part of the OP.
Honestly, I lump you in with Lord Tony and Master Mathew too much. Ill try and stop that.

represent the Gang brother Throw it UP

You underestimate my power

For the last time

deus ex machina mode activated

God that website is cancer.
Asking me to disable my adblocker while simultaneously asking me to enable browser notifications.

God that website is cancer.
Asking me to disable my adblocker while simultaneously asking me to enable browser notifications.
yea how dare a website make money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

deus ex machina mode activated

That day, blockland forums received a grim reminder...