Author Topic: Annoying Orange executive order to bar research funds from anti free speech colleges  (Read 3014 times)

what if you were developing a cure for aids in your school epi lab for 4 years testing on rats day and night and losing sleep just to put in the hours and suddenly you find a breakthrough that will change the lives of humans and the way we treat hiv and you rush into the Dean's office to report this new inspired development and he's like

sorry bro funding machine broke

Guess that dean should uphold American values if he wants to take American taxpayer money

Guess that dean should uphold American values if he wants to take American taxpayer money
then tell Annoying Orange to make a law that fires staff for censoring people, not hurt the future of talented and completely unrelated students. teachers and faculty that hurt student's ability to express their opinions are not qualified for the position. so why not punish them, not the students? this entire logic is backwards, you could only support this bill if you're a sadist

95% of the workforce isn't on college campuses, what the forget are you talking about.
you're right, master matthew. skilled educated workers are birthed from the uruk-hai spawning pods deep underground, fully educated with 4-8 years worth of proficiency in their vocation. how silly of me to insinuate that universities hold some sort of importance in the development of a trained workforce
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 12:06:06 PM by PhantOS »

I get where Phantos is coming from and I agree, but at the same time I also think this is necessary for colleges allowing protests supporting violence, such as violence against cops or literally any ANTIFA gathering in, or on the campus should have funds removed. This sort of factors in with the free speech aspect because if students are not allowing others to let their voice be heard and actively spite them for their opinion, on much more than a personal level, and the campus is allowing it, taking the funding away until they learn that censorship should not be accepted in any medium, especially politically should be necessary. However they shouldn’t have all funding removed as that’s straight up messed up
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 12:16:35 PM by Darth C3P0² »

lol what a hilarious scenario

then tell Annoying Orange to make a law that fires staff for censoring people, not hurt the future of talented and completely unrelated students. teachers and faculty that hurt student's ability to express their opinions are not qualified for the position. so why not punish them, not the students? this entire logic is backwards, you could only support this bill if you're a sadist

Because people shouldn't lose their jobs over something like this. If they want to resign, sure. If students or others pressure them to resign, sure. But there shouldn't be a LAW mandating someone be fired from their position because they don't properly uphold free speech in public spaces on publicly funded campuses.
Who would you fire? The president? The deans? The campus security officers? The teachers who encourage anti free speech behavior? It's much easier to use a deterrent where people have a chance to correct themselves instead of going "Ah, you forgeted it up, get the forget out, NEXT"

Refusing to give someone your platform isn't censorship, no matter what this dumb as forget executive order says.

It's especially insane considering this day and age where you can get a platform to say whatever dumb stuff you need to say on practically any medium. The only issue here is pearl-clutching reactionaries upset their youtube celebrities can't preach at universities.

Typical inability to understand the actual situation.
Many times these conservatives speakers who were deplatformed were paid to show up by students at the loving campus. Students who disagree with that do not own the platform provided, because they did not pay for it. Lol.

It's especially egregious to say you can get a platform to say whatever dumb stuff you want anywhere. You quite clearly cant. This isn't even worth arguing, you're either obfuscating stupidity or trolling with this nonsense

Refusing to give someone your platform isn't censorship, no matter what this dumb as forget executive order says.
Yes, you're blatantly pro-censorship for ideas you don't like, I know Ike. Ill be glad when these short sighted ideas no longer run this country. And I don't give a forget if Twitter is a "company", they're a monopoly company that needs to be managed as an appliance, no matter how much you don't want ideas you don't like.

But here, colleges funded by taxes have no gray area, they're government funded.

It's especially insane considering this day and age where you can get a platform to say whatever dumb stuff you need to say on practically any medium. The only issue here is pearl-clutching reactionaries upset their youtube celebrities can't preach at universities.
Except, every platform is banning people for having the wrong opinion. And the only Pearl clutchers are the elitist starfishs like you and phantos who think certain people should be protected from hearing "dangerous opinions". forget off with both of your snowflake cuckbrained bullstuff.

If you don't like the opinion, say something. If you don't want to talk however, don't. It's not the college's job to pander to your forgeted up demands.

You quite clearly cant.

loving duh, you losers can't self-police enough to take part of any public forum in good faith so nobody wants to house your handicapped antics. You just read this as "We're being persecuted"

And the only Pearl clutchers are the elitist starfishs like you and phantos who think certain people should be protected from hearing "dangerous opinions".

Your opinions aren't dangerous, they're just stuff and are a complete waste of time trying to navigate

loving duh, you losers can't self-police enough to take part of any public forum in good faith so nobody wants to house your handicapped antics. You just read this as "We're being persecuted"
Good faith to you is to shut up and pander.
Sorry soyboy, that's not forgetin happening anymore.

Good faith to you is to shut up and pander.
Sorry soyboy, that's not forgetin happening anymore.

It's funny to watch you whinge trying to offend people when you're the biggest victim on the forum. At least I'm not the one wearing diapers lmfao

It's funny to watch you whinge trying to offend people when you're the biggest victim on the forum. At least I'm not the one wearing diapers lmfao
It's funny to watch you eat your own words topped with your toenail clippings. I've made no attempt to make myself a victim, that wasn't ever my goal.

Missed this gem
If you don't like the opinion, say something.

The forget do you think I'm doing right now, genius? I'm posting my opinion and you're getting triggered. It's amazing how every time I post my take you idiots have to lose your stuff

Maybe if you spent less time stuck up your own ass it'd be easier to communicate with folks

I've made no attempt to make myself a victim, that wasn't ever my goal.

Oh buddy I know about all the times you went whining to the ACC
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 01:58:34 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

Missed this gem
The forget do you think I'm doing right now, genius? I'm posting my opinion and you're getting triggered. It's amazing how every time I post my take you idiots have to lose your stuff

Maybe if you spent less time stuck up your own ass it'd be easier to communicate with folks
Your opinion is that censorship is okay. It's unfortunate that "lol u mad" randomly became the way to win arguments because the quickest way to win an argument is say some blatantly stupid stuff that is guaranteed to cause some backlash.

We should rocket launch kittens into the sun while playing exploding kittens. There I win, get fukt, cucko. U mad?