What did he mean by this?

did you think i was talking about what you said because I said it in the middle of a string of responses to you
or am I reading too much into your reaction to what I said

did you think i was talking about what you said because I said it in the middle of a string of responses to you
or am I reading too much into your reaction to what I said
Honestly what you said made no sense in any context, and I'm thoroughly lost.

Honestly what you said made no sense in any context, and I'm thoroughly lost.

masterlegodude seemed to get it and that's enough to keep me going today.

Honestly what you said made no sense in any context, and I'm thoroughly lost.

master matthew is dumb

So is OneShot an actually good game or is it just a meme that people like because it has a cute main character?

So is OneShot an actually good game or is it just a meme that people like because it has a cute main character?
i really liked the game but idk about everyone else

So is OneShot an actually good game or is it just a meme that people like because it has a cute main character?
its a good game

what the forget is a oneshot

i liked oneshot but i always thought the ending was a little underwhelming

i liked oneshot but i always thought the ending was a little underwhelming
play solstice