Author Topic: Better fire relay?  (Read 1238 times)

Sometimes fire relay is broken and doesn't work for me, can anyone make a event like it but better?

what do you mean by broken?
and i think there was a firerelaynum, but that should be very similar
an alternative could be to use VCE to trigger variable true/false on bricks, but can't do adjacent bricks easily
projectiles work well though

what do you mean by broken?
It woulden't loop events no matter how hard I tried.

It woulden't loop events no matter how hard I tried.
onRelay > self > fireRelay

the issue with relays is if the person holding the relay leaves the server, the loop stops. Had this issue with my recharging health stations.

the issue with relays is if the person holding the relay leaves the server, the loop stops. Had this issue with my recharging health stations.

Event loops are always tied to the client that starts them, it's not only relays but also projectile loops, print count loops, and vce loops

A loop using projectiles
Pretty sure when the client leaves, it's like /cancelevents is used, which stops event schedules and deletes event spawned projectiles

locking thread found out the issue of why fire relay is not working correctly