Author Topic: Antifa gives man free ride to the hospital  (Read 14430 times)

Reading through this thread has made me realize there are an alarming number of people who seem to think it's okay to nearly loving kill someone so long as that person has gone over the "meany words :(" per lifetime limit.

What the forget.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 04:15:52 PM by Master Matthew² »

Reading through this thread has made me realize there are an alarming number of people who seem to think it's okay to nearly loving kill someone so long as that person has gone over the "meany words :(" per lifetime limit.

What the forget.
no one has said this

strawman matthew at it again

no one has said this

strawman matthew at it again
First, look at what I said. I never said anyone "said that".

I said that's clearly what some people here seem to think.

And also, wtf is it with people and freaking the forget out unless I quote everything word for word.

If you mean something other than what you say, explain it. Don't just go "LMFAO nice misrepresentation" without providing examples.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 04:38:22 PM by Master Matthew² »

no one has said this

strawman matthew at it again

I mean most of you are in here trying to play interference for beating a man (potentially) to death

Nonnel basically - no, he said it was fine, because Andy's a fascist milking victim points... somehow

Just because he's alive means it's all chill, right? I mean, brain bleeding never killed anyone? A little crowbar to the head is A-OK as long as he's home for dinner? Literally anything that isn't explicit condemnation of this violence is you trying to justify it. It's that simple.

Oh he (didn't) dox someone, oh he hangs around (supposed) fascists, oh he's (somehow) a national socialist, so it's okay to brutalize him in the street. Eat a loving richard, dumb loving handicap, I'm so tired of you idiots trying to justify street violence because it gets your impotent roosters hard enough for a quick procrastination sesh. forgetin' ell

Eat a loving richard, dumb loving handicap, I'm so tired of you idiots trying to justify street violence because it gets your impotent roosters hard enough for a quick procrastination sesh. forgetin' ell
lol you don't care about street violence, you just want something to argue about because you strive on discourse like this

lol you don't care about street violence, you just want something to argue about because you strive on discourse like this
"Why would anyone want to discuss something? Everyone should just stay silent (so we can keep beating the elderly and gay Asians!)"

Complaining that someone wants to have a discussion is a non argument.

you didn't want a discussion, you want to argue with people and punch down on triggered libs. trying to say otherwise is a filthy lie

if the roles were reversed and it was an antifa dude sent to the hospital you'd change your tune to maximize the hurt feelings, y'all pathetic

you didn't want a discussion, you want to argue with people and punch down on triggered libs. trying to say otherwise is a filthy lie
sorry your weak stances leave you wide open, but that's not our fault. We have discussions, and then the opposing arguments end up being ridiculous stances of pro-violence given the person's characteristics are wrong.

if the roles were reversed and it was an antifa dude sent to the hospital you'd change your tune to maximize the hurt feelings, y'all pathetic
No, there wouldn't be.* This is bullstuff and obvious projection.

*Unless the antifa person started the fight and got his ass handed to them.

The only time violence is justified is in immediate retaliation of other violence. Self Defense is key. If your safe after the act of violence, and so are any potential family bystanders, running is the ideal next step.

No, words can't be violent.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 04:48:19 PM by Master Matthew² »

lol you don't care about street violence, you just want something to argue about because you strive on discourse like this

okay Ike

what you are saying doesn't mean anything because you aren't proving that you give a stuff otherwise, you're just continuing to argue with me because that's what you want, to argue. That's why it's hypocritical for you to be clutching pearls and punching down at people, you aren't holding yourself to the standards you're holding other people because who the forget knows what stance you're going to be taking in next week's hot button issue

watch as he uses irony in a serious topic about someone being assaulted because he can't genuinely respond to being called out for hypocrisy

freedom for the wolf means death to the sheep

freedom for the wolf means death to the sheep

deep... burn the constitution