Author Topic: Sorry, to Everyone.  (Read 3412 times)

Some of you know why I am writing this, and are thinking "What a loser" others don't know about any of it. Well I am just saying sorry. To PPT, for calling them bad modders ect. To Jervan, for the personal flames. To Muffinmix for being a lousy friend. To Jonny, Laremere, and Ministry for taking them away from PPT. To the Blockland community, for the people I have banned / annoyed ect. To the modders for how much I used them and gave them a simple thank you for their hard work. For being a dumbass in more ways then one, and for having an ego beyond the sun. I am sorry, I know most of you will never give me the respect / forgiveness that I don't deserve anyway. Well sorry again, your probably sick of me by this point. I am not quitting blockland, but I am ending star wars mod for now and same with my clan. I tried to do too many things at once. Things that I couldn't do. Just one favor I ask you to do, please don't flame me even if I deserve it.

Great apology, feel better buddy! :cookie:

Suddenly I feel normal ._.

Now you can learn things at an easy pace. Monty got pretty scalded too by the way :(
He's real bad to enemies but real loyal to friends so Id try to get in his good books.

It probably means a lot to PPT... to everybody... not so much to me... I'm no softy :P

I  know I got a little lost and said some stupid things too, but you stabbed the heart of the Gurdyroot, which was you weren't appreciating people. I'm sorry too, maybe one day we'll be friends again but I've learned not to rush (thanks btw, you saved an important relationship of mine :D)

Yeah... so I forgive you, hopefully everyone else does, and you hopefully forgive me. Might be a happily ever after. Ive not had one of those in ages :o

you must apologize to me for sleeping with my wife. then apologize to her for sucking at it.

Darn, I didn't want the SW RPG to die.

Well, to bad it had to come to this...

Well Jervan, you were the person I most aimed it at, I am glad that Muffin showed me my ways. Hopefully we will remake our friendship, as for Jonny, Laremere, and Ministry, let them back into PPT please. They joined my clan to work on star wars mod nothing more. I feel bad about quitting it, and hope they are still my friends. And Jervan, I was the older and should of been the more responsible in our fight. Its hard to lead a clan and even harder when you have rebellious members. Thank you for accepting my apology, as for you, it was my fault so no need to apologize to me.

Ministry just wanted to spy :cookieMonster:

Jonny and Lare never left ;)

Ill tell ye thee words first said when PPT was being formed 3 years ago: "like lets make this clan so all our friends come to the same server to work on something kk?"

The people are more important to me than the projects. That's why I got really mad at you. My friends were considering leaving me and following you. Im real glad they chose me, and I gained a few more potentially PPT friends.

Im real glad they chose me, and I gained a few more potentially PPT friends.
I never chose you, infact, I was waiting for when you would kick me out...just never came to that I guess...

and I gained a few more potentially PPT friends.
That include me? :3

Im real glad they chose me, and I gained a few more potentially PPT friends.
I never chose you, infact, I was waiting for when you would kick me out...just never came to that I guess...

Please no more arguments.

Yes, Dr Bling is right. We must have peace amongst us...

Holy hell, that was cheesy...

Very cheesy. Why does lare hate me now? ._.

Did you steal his cheese? I think I did  :cookieMonster: