Author Topic: [REAL NEWS] Annoying Oranges believes he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize  (Read 1999 times)

Why does Annoying Orange want one in the first place? 2 ply toilet paper is far superior and worth more too.

I'm pretty sure even 1 ply is better if you fold it 2.5 times

This may be me and you folks can correct me on it, but I vaguely Remember Annoying Orange getting a noble piece prize for the speeches he presents back when I was in High School (like around 11th grade). It may be me so I could be entirely wrong.

This may be me and you folks can correct me on it, but I vaguely Remember Annoying Orange getting a noble piece prize for the speeches he presents back when I was in High School (like around 11th grade). It may be me so I could be entirely wrong.

He got the tribal prize for being a tribal.

He got the tribal prize for being a tribal.
He made racism hip again

He supports Israel so no.