Author Topic: thanks guys  (Read 1135 times)

idk i think that now people are posting about this and i kinda agree, but go to the drama board or forum games board and look at the lack of posts. off topic even, it just really isn't going in a good direction. "oh another rip blockland thread its what ever" but you gotta think, the forums is really on its last leg. it probably wont shut down but it will be dead soon, really dead.
i think where ever it started is when i decided to check out sugar comics v2. i made a whole forum account, and that was my whole forums. that one thread. but i checked out more of the forums and i saw the off topic board, which i thought would be fun. so i continue on as "paulthemurderer", a 9 or 10 year old kid who doesn't realize hes stuffposting. i had started stuffposting without the concept of stuffposting, and soon i had gained a lot of hate. i thought that hey, 'lets make them mad, cause they already are', so im admitting to trolling like 3 years ago.

then freek made a drama about me, me! i didn't know who freek was, but even today i still associate freek with that. i instantly just didn't like him, but he had reason to drama me. i kinda just went out of control, i said the n word, and just didn't care. then everyone started stuffting on me, and my 10 year old mind didn't know what to do. i started to lay off and be more mature. one night in bed i thought of this wonderful idea, i planned this whole "im fed up with you guys" thread. i really thought people would sit back and say, "wow hes right, lets stop bullying him." i really did think that. so i got around to writing it and heres a link if you guys want it, it didn't work.

so i can see that towards the end of that account, i layed off and even tried to make jokes, which would make people like me. they didn't. badspot banned me for that post, and he had even put up a thread on his website about me. "Hey, Paul!". i still feel honored for the creator of blockland to do something like that, about me! he included a clip of american physco i think it is, and he made it to let people know to look out for me. he knew i was coming back.

i attempted to make an account with out a key, but it didn't work. i finally coughed up 10 bucks to buy an alt account, which i got the key for. i then went on to create the account "peebs". i dont know how i made the name, but what ever. i wanted a second chance, so i started actually trying to act more mature. master matthew really got a kick out of my "abc shuffle" thread,
he even put it in his signature. he put it into a try not to laugh thread, and i quoted him saying, "hey, i'm pretty funny". everyone caught on then.

i got banned for bumping my abc shuffle thread, but i got back on. this is where you guys really shaped me. after i came back from that ban, i realized something. people dont like annoying toxic brats. so i got my stuff together, and started my journey to where i am now. no one has even complained about me, which shows that i have improved so much. i got banned for posting gore though, which was pretty bad. but i've been kickin since, and i honestly want to thank each and everyone of you for the amazing experience that i have had here. i would be proud if this was my last post and i got banned because of another "rip blockland forums" post, but thats really not what this is. this is a big thank you, because who knows when badspot could pull the plug. thank you all for shaping who i am today, i hope to see you all still here after 5 years if its not shut down by then. i will tag along, but post just around as much as i post now, which is barely.

peebs, paulthemurderer, muchdogestuff, zefazbearbruh, demion, damien. *they're all my forum account or my past blockland names, also my real name*


you quoted me saying "'nuff said" unironically why would you do this im loving dying

so do u hate the gays or not

you quoted me saying "'nuff said" unironically why would you do this im loving dying
when did i quote you saying that

then freek made a drama about me, me! i didn't know who freek was, but even today i still associate freek with that. i instantly just didn't like him, but he had reason to drama me. i kinda just went out of control, i said the n word, and just didn't care. then everyone started stuffting on me, and my 10 year old mind didn't know what to do.
hey man, i don't know who you are or even remember making a drama thread about you but i want to apologize. it seems stupid to let stuff like that bother you but i'd be lying if i said my feelings hadn't been hurt over what people have said to me online in the past. it's really easy to pick apart someone else and make them feel like stuff without even considering the long-term effect it might have on them; i was extremely guilty of it and would hate to be remembered for that. it seems you've turned out to be a good enough dude, please don't take anything i might have said to hurt you in the past to heart.

being on the forums also caused me to have a mental transformation out of being a dumbass although tbh ill probably always be one

being on the forums also caused me to have a mental transformation out of being a dumbass although tbh ill probably always be one
I'll never forget that "Gotta Blast!" image, but I can't find it anywhere unfortunately.

hey man, i don't know who you are or even remember making a drama thread about you but i want to apologize. it seems stupid to let stuff like that bother you but i'd be lying if i said my feelings hadn't been hurt over what people have said to me online in the past. it's really easy to pick apart someone else and make them feel like stuff without even considering the long-term effect it might have on them; i was extremely guilty of it and would hate to be remembered for that. it seems you've turned out to be a good enough dude, please don't take anything i might have said to hurt you in the past to heart.
this is a really nice post. thank you

I'll never forget that "Gotta Blast!" image, but I can't find it anywhere unfortunately.
i couldnt find it either but heres another image to compensate