Author Topic: ✨ Blocklander of the Year 2019 ✨ - Khaz  (Read 53196 times)

'til next year, I guess.


khazengers assemble
voting for irrel just because of this pun

voting for irrel just because of this pun
jokes on you you would have voted for him anyways

good thing we're only one month behind

jeez jan is almost over this rigged election isnt over yet?

jeez jan is almost over this rigged election isnt over yet?
Even if you made it in the nominations you still would've lost lmao gottem

jeez jan is almost over this rigged election isnt over yet?

who is khaz and why is he winning

actually rigged cause irrel is a (relative) newcomer and has less friends to rely on to vote for him >:((((

who is khaz and why is he winning
the monster in your nightmares

actually rigged cause irrel is a (relative) newcomer and has less friends to rely on to vote for him >:((((
He has the entirety of the BCC Content Creators to vouch for him, some people just aren't doing their jobs........................