Author Topic: 2020/05/03 - Blockland r2005-r2012  (Read 82293 times)

Are the latest versions of SelectiveGhosting and ect broken again?


  • Administrator
Im more in a situation where I would need to make another Steam account JUST to play my original ID since Ive already attached an alt key to my main account.
And I really don't like that idea

I am leaning towards a steam-only solution.  In my current design idea, any currently un-attached Blockland IDs could be attached to any steam account, including multiple blids to one steam account. 

As long as you haven't connected your main blid to an alt steam account, you would be fine.  Transferring blids from one steam account to another would not be supported because that would facilitate theft, and we'd be right back to where we started.   

now email us new keys

The first step is to patch the game to some reasonable degree.  Then get a complete experience working for existing steam users.  Then worry about conversion of blids and stolen blid recovery.  Issuing new keys won't help if they can immediately be stolen again.  Plus we don't know how many keys were stolen - chasing down every key in every script-kiddies hoard would be a huge waste of time.

I am leaning towards a steam-only solution.  In my current design idea, any currently un-attached Blockland IDs could be attached to any steam account, including multiple blids to one steam account.

unless i am mistaken, steam bl doesn't support dedi hosting and playing at the same time
if you do go full steam, how would dedi servers work

edit: i found a way to host dedi and play on steam :cookie:
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 05:17:43 AM by adel »

unless i am mistaken, steam bl doesn't support dedi hosting and playing at the same time
if you do go full steam, how would dedi servers work

edit: i found a way to host dedi and play on steam :cookie:

I've been looking into this too, can anyone point me in the direction of hosting a dedicated server (through steam) on one machine and playing the game (through steam) on another machine?
The servers I host are on a dedicated machine in a datacenter

since the forget when was this happening

what happens to blocklandlauncher installs
do we have to move them ourselves
will the launcher even work

Is there some kind of lightweight steam Auth I can install on a vps

So.. does anybody have any idea why both versions of my blockland are failing consistently at this point in console.log ??

Code: [Select]
Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.
Activating the OpenGL display device...

I am leaning towards a steam-only solution.  In my current design idea, any currently un-attached Blockland IDs could be attached to any steam account, including multiple blids to one steam account. 

As long as you haven't connected your main blid to an alt steam account, you would be fine.  Transferring blids from one steam account to another would not be supported because that would facilitate theft, and we'd be right back to where we started.   

Glad I didn't jump the gun on this then. As long as Ill be able to attach multiple accounts to my Steam account, everything should be fine.

I'd recommend generating new keys for the people affected, once the key authentication is reactivated, the risk of them using the same leaked keys is high.

Is there some kind of lightweight steam Auth I can install on a vps
he can probably get a dedicated server tool on steam installable via command line steam (steamcmd) and have it use steam's auth

So.. does anybody have any idea why both versions of my blockland are failing consistently at this point in console.log ??

Code: [Select]
Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.
Activating the OpenGL display device...

I've been having this exact same issue over here:

Then get a complete experience working for existing steam users.

What could be added to steam?