Author Topic: On a scale of 1-10, how annoying are Spotify ads?  (Read 9314 times)

almost as if i am annoyed with having to guide a person back to an original quote twice
alternatively, you could not reply, you loving knobslobber

alternatively, you could not reply, you loving knobslobber
yeah but that would imply i even care about seeming annoying lol

yeah but that would imply i even care about seeming annoying lol
no i mean not reply, so you dont get annoyed
im surprised you even manage to start up the computer

i think that would only work if i didnt read the post to begin with?

im surprised you even manage to start up the computer

dont call me broke, my rent is four figures a month, like i said i live in an incredibly expensive and lucrative area for students. and i dont even room, i have my own apartment with a loving yard and i have a pet. i also have spotify, disney+, netflix.

please please please, wear your glasses, dont call me broke, and especially dont loving pretend like handicapped monthly stream subscriptions cant be considered expensive for a student who houses away from their parents, you unbelievable dimwit.
wtf pet pics now


i understand that you may have read my quote wrong the first time and while that was kind of stupid, you didnt have to go above and beyond. in that same quote again, i also post that i have had a spotify subscription for 5 years.

im surprised you even manage to start up the computer

dont call me broke, my rent is four figures a month, like i said i live in an incredibly expensive and lucrative area for students. and i dont even room, i have my own apartment with a loving yard and i have a pet. i also have spotify, disney+, netflix.

please please please, wear your glasses, dont call me broke, and especially dont loving pretend like handicapped monthly stream subscriptions cant be considered expensive for a student who houses away from their parents, you unbelievable dimwit.
firstly you're 22 and have some furry avatar i never gave you permission to even read my post let alone reply to it and secondly i understand rent is expensive im just saying spotify is cheap. i see kids from poor families wearing 70 quid trainers dont even tell me that 5 a month for an amazing service is expensive, and sure if you're some kind of braindead consumer who has subscriptions in 10 types of lootcrates and disney+ thingies then yeah it will add up

firstly you're 22 and have some furry avatar i never gave you permission to even read my post let alone reply to it and secondly i understand rent is expensive im just saying spotify is cheap. i see kids from poor families wearing 70 quid trainers dont even tell me that 5 a month for an amazing service is expensive, and sure if you're some kind of braindead consumer who has subscriptions in 10 types of lootcrates and disney+ thingies then yeah it will add up
its like you are responding to two people instead of one, or you just ramble way too much. if you rlly think some luxury stream subscription is realistic for the lowest class i seriously dont know what to tell you, it sounds incredibly sheltered and is honestly a little embarrassing to read, what a thing to disregard ppl in need for. it reminds me a little of ignorant blue-check twitter users in blue states arguing that red states should pay more tax because blue states generate the highest income, while there are poor ppl stuck in red states working multiple jobs just to feed their family.

wtf pet pics now

its like you are responding to two people instead of one, or you just ramble way too much. if you rlly think some luxury stream subscription is realistic for the lowest class i seriously dont know what to tell you, it sounds incredibly sheltered and is honestly a little embarrassing to read, what a thing to disregard ppl in need for. it reminds me a little of ignorant blue-check twitter users in blue states arguing that red states should pay more tax because blue states generate the highest income, while there are poor ppl stuck in red states working multiple jobs just to feed their family.
as i said i wouldnt even say my family is well off i just spend my money on important things rather than funko pops u lib

i seriously cant believe you still think i consider it expensive personally, after i made like 3 posts writing about others and even gloated about my personal finances. nor that you called me a lib after i wrote a complaint about liberals on twitter

i think you are on drugs

why are you still posting

because im looking for an opportunity to post about how i overspend on designer clothes and perfume rather than funko pops altho i do have a star wars funko pop somewhere in a drawer ;)

then maybe thats why spotify is so expensive bro

ill pay for ur premium for the next decade if you give me the cat

then maybe thats why spotify is so expensive bro
im going to be giving away 10 spotify premium accounts if you loving keep this up

ill pay for ur premium for the next decade if you give me the cat
veigar is mine

look man, i understand that you've hit rock bottom with all the gambling and discord nitro, but you've gotta keep your head up. you'll be able to afford spotify one day, man, you will. please heed my advice.