
How long have you had your current avatar?

not long at all

Author Topic: Who here hasn't changed their avatar for years?  (Read 4471 times)

I just know I've seen that electric guy typing on a keyboard as foulprariedog's avatar for years and I don't think I've ever seen him with a different avatar. Anyone who sticks with an avatar for a long time is a strong being.

I'm content with my Fetusaur

me, nal, elektrk and steve5451 havent changed our avatars since 2017
« Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 02:24:29 PM by PhantOS »

me, nal, elektrk and steve5451 havent changed our avatars since 2017
was that when people pissed off badspot over some reason so your avatar-changing privileges were revoked?

i had the same aids avatar for like 8 years but then the forum colours changed and broke the effect so now i just use a red square

was that when people pissed off badspot over some reason so your avatar-changing privileges were revoked?
yea basically we're the satin minions simps

they're stuck with it forever
i also keep misreading the recent "SFM Blockland Avatars" as satin minions

and i think i've only had 3-4 avatars, this one i've had for about 5 and a half years

i was gonna change it but ive had this for so long now i cant

nine years, face me you cowards

all my old avatars are on my other comp im just lazy

I've had this one for a year lol
edit: just realized I don't have an avatar, I removed it lol
edit2: I added a new one.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 05:34:14 PM by cooolguy32 »

cat => cat => cat => dog => raptor
its been maybe a year

8 years. its from an old forum avatar fad. i would've changed it if i didn't get my profile privileges revoked. oh well, it kind of defines me here now.

well I've had this for two years. that's it tho