Author Topic: what's the biggest L you've taken in your gaming history  (Read 8329 times)

just be glad that none of you took the L's that i did on the BLF between 2015 - mid 2016

just be glad that none of you took the L's that i did on the BLF between 2015 - mid 2016
you know nothing of history, child

just be glad that none of you took the L's that i did on the BLF between 2015 - mid 2016
You take an L every week and get off easy

You take an L every week and get off easy
Dude you absolutely crushed him, calm down

just be glad that none of you took the L's that i did on the BLF between 2015 - mid 2016
if you want us to loving forgive you for your raccooneer era, STOP loving POSTING ABOUT IT YOU THICKSKULLED handicap. are you even trying to make us forgive you or do you just keep mentioning it because you think you're an e-celebrity or some stuff? goddamn brother

Swift gets pummeled the thread

(damn, [name] is a bitch)
:((((((((((((( whatd i do to u :((((((((

just be glad that none of you took the L's that i did on the BLF between 2015 - mid 2016

buying borderlands 2 (without dlc) on steam only to see it for free on epic games (with dlc) several days later

i made some progress on the steam edition too

Got my password guessed in ROBLOX and lost costly items such as a doom bucket and a dominus.

also got scammed once in an ancient MMO and dared them to a PvP for all the beans, won and he dipped, ultimate pusillanimous individual.

double-sided L:
got given triple digit money for existing as female character in Second Life, got invited to their simulation, instead of simping for the guy and getting more free money I griefed the hell out of the sim. the reason for this was because while he was giving hundreds of dollars to women for existing, he simultaneously heavily objectified them vocally. like a "the females" kind of deal.

buying borderlands 2 (without dlc) on steam only to see it for free on epic games (with dlc) several days later

i made some progress on the steam edition too
you're actually just dodging an L here which is some Chinese guy looting your linked Paypal. dont use epic games, and if you do, don't link ANY payment info.
also the real L here is people buying games that later become free permanently (like destiny 2)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 11:43:52 AM by Unimproved »

another L i took for a while: i bought CS:GO only for the game to become free to play

you're actually just dodging an L here which is some Chinese guy looting your linked Paypal. dont use epic games, and if you do, don't link ANY payment info.
HURR DURR EPIC GAMES BAD INSTAGRAM BAD REDDIT GOOD shut the forget up steam takes 200000x more of your monies than epic games does

HURR DURR EPIC GAMES BAD INSTAGRAM BAD REDDIT GOOD shut the forget up steam takes 200000x more of your monies than epic games does

redditors when they claim that a company that is only 10% chinese controlled secretly commits massive fraud without the goverment getting any reports while also pouring hundreds if not thousands of dollars in a datamining, cash-grab of a game service

the biggest L ive take in game is on blockland when i am too dumb to go on servers, so they ban me, listen kids,,, its not my fault i finna say yo serevr SUCK (they bouta finna dont suck ok, its an EXPRESsion)!!!!!! its just my opiniom and you server isnt even that bad smh i finna be bouta finna be b anned on all servers smh.,, what happen to little LIBRAL SNOFALKES grrrrrrrrrrrrr thats it im going gamer mode *rips of headset* *puits on GUCCI headset* thats right i finna be rich with $$$ and robux  *thinks to self* yes i sound so gangser im sure to get respect in the hood. grrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrr thats it im gonna say it i finna bouta say it smh thats it there arent that many seevrrs so... *thinks to self* i cant belive i say this, IM SORRY forr saying servers suck... *thinks to self* sigh anyways another one is probibly finna be spending my robux poorly.