Author Topic: DeadFall07 and friends are loving handicapped  (Read 13698 times)

19 do you have a rusty toothpick lodged into your brain or something

19, continue using the forums if you have molested several children. If you have not, please don't never send any messages, create any threads, or make any replies on here after the date of this message.

19 after he asks people to help him raid a server and they, instead of helping him, drama him

deo was there too so if you want proof you can ask him
Hate to break it to you buddy, but he has no proof lmao

Hate to break it to you buddy, but he has no proof lmao
i meant like ask him lamof

19, continue using the forums if you have molested several children. If you have not, please don't never send any messages, create any threads, or make any replies on here after the date of this message.

he did


Yeah, I did and he had no proof. -_-
are you brain damaged? i meant simply ask him if 19 said that lamof

he did
19 is fuzztoast confirmed

are you brain damaged? i meant simply ask him if 19 said that lamof
19 is fuzztoast confirmed
He said 19 said nothing and there was no proof are you brain damaged or can you not accept the reality you were corrected?

He said 19 said nothing and there was no proof are you brain damaged or can you not accept the reality you were corrected?
huh weird, musta been afk

either way it's something he would do anyways

huh weird, musta been afk

either way it's something he would do anyways
Perhaps but proof speaks louder than assumptions.

*Cough* Banned Bass from your discord purely for being part of the Tavern around the same time you were banned from SKC *Cough*
We want nothing to do with the tavern, you guys removed me from your group, that doesn't mean your exempt from ours. My only acception is to talk to a few individuals but that doesn't mean I'm pleased with the idea of just having people join our group that makes my group super uncomfortable and vice versa. SKC's discord I figured would behave more professional and not personal.

Take our conversation to a DM if you want Adz, no need to discuss our own politics on a topic that has nothing to do with us.