Author Topic: DeadFall07 and friends are loving handicapped  (Read 13696 times)

The Universe calling you a big tribal is totally justified
you know stuff's bad when the very place that contains everything ever is even calling you a "big tribal", /nosupport

I thupport becauth deadcigarette oh-theven banned me from the therver for harathing girls in the dithcord therver with inappropriate photos and threats, even though I wath JUTHT ATHKING THEM OUT ON A DATE!!!!! BULLTHICK!

this thread backfired horribly


i must have severe short term memory loss because i don't remember anyone loving asking

why is his nickname on the server allah akbar guy

Not that I think 19 is in the right to be asking that, but at the same time I was also banned from that discord just for telling a certain someone to not stir up drama in the SKC discord with me. I don't think your admins are that adept.
*Cough* Banned Bass from your discord purely for being part of the Tavern around the same time you were banned from SKC *Cough*

First of all which isn't obvious and everyone knows; 19 everyone would rather talk to a brick wall than actually try to reason with you. So you're basically saying you changed and to prove it, do the exact same thing to deadfall's DMs and discord?

Second of all 19, I just woke up like 15 minutes ago and noticed you were conspiring to orchestrate this raid in my /own/ discord for Community RP so I'm just going to rightfully ban you from the discord. Have fun, I've put up with you long enough.

You haven't changed and I warned you before previously if you kept up this sort of behavior on my server or used it as a platform to do such that I'd ban you, and here we are. I love you TGB.
deadfall desevered it

so confused what block king just said.

1: block bans me because raulix forged screenshot
2. Im being banned for (wtf)

deadfall desevered it
so confused what block king just said.

1: block bans me because raulix forged screenshot
2. Im being banned for (wtf)

When you try to play victim.

1: block bans me because raulix forged screenshot
Uh huh.
Please post the proof needed to show that the screenshot is forged.

op you're 23 years old, don't you think it's time to start acting like one?

also idk why people are going crazy in forum replies lol