Author Topic: i fractured me rib  (Read 954 times)

ouch owie my rib

on a more serious note pretty sure i broke it while i was skateboarding somehow, didn't feel anything until this morning so idk

Cheesepizza2 i bet you broke you rib cause you were trying to eat a hotdog if you catch my drift and the vibe. Don't worry homie we have all been there, maybe we can talk about this blocklander to blocklander while you teach me how to use events in blockland...

don't worry it'll grow back

you broke it from constantly lamof'ing

pretty sure i broke it while i was skateboarding somehow
that's not rad

anyways yikes that sounds like it hurt real bad are you ok

Ouch! That hurt!

Hope you get better soon.

Go get an x-ray.
my mom thought it took too much of her time to see if the pain in her singular son's rib that has persisted for 4 days was dangerous

also the pain is gone now so i'm starting to think the bone was only bruised

my mom thought it took too much of her time to see if the pain in her singular son's rib that has persisted for 4 days was dangerous

also the pain is gone now so i'm starting to think the bone was only bruised
Go get a new mom.

how did you “break” it? break is in quotes cause it seems like its not certain its broken.

how did you “break” it? break is in quotes cause it seems like its not certain its broken.
yah no if it was broken i would def be in hospital

but yah honestly no clue, i didn't feel anything until the morning afterwards but i'm betting i just fell off my skateboard wrong or something

i guess the pain was just ribbin' ya

get well soon, my friend cracked a rib in the mosh pit at a show and it looked like it hurt bad