
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 305861 times)

bro actual leftists control forget all. universal healthcare is opposed by the majority of congress. free college is opposed by the majority of congress. decreasing the military budget is opposed by the majority of congress. controlling money in politics is opposed by the majority of congress. open borders is opposed by the majority of congress. decriminalizing drugs is opposed by the majority of congress. decriminalizing love work is opposed by the majority of congress. loving ad infinitum. your stupid ass scapegoat leftists invented by the absolute garbage you listen to are entirely imaginary people paraded in front of your gullible ass eyes in order to rile you up and turn your brain off (although knowing you the last part was accomplished before you ever started listening to these people in the first place). you are legitimately the stupidest person i've ever met. its like not really hard at all to like actually look up actual leftist policy and see all of this for yourself.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 01:34:31 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

i need you to understand that i am making a value statement here. cops should not kill people. if there is someone dangerous enough that they need to be shot, send someone other than a cop. cops are here to apprehend people who are suspected of having committed a crime so they can be given due process. it is unethical and unjust for cops to have the power to appoint themselves judge, jury, and executioner whensoever they please.
You sound like the handicapped teachers who tell kids "Just call a teacher if you're being bullied"
Like the forget the cops gonna do? Tell the bullet "Hold up for a sec, I need to talk to my manager."

Like no, you shoot back. What the forget is wrong with you. Danger is fast and it comes at you quick.
bro actual leftists control forget all.
Except for the media, and schools... and a major political party...

universal healthcare is opposed by the majority of congress. free college is opposed by the majority of congress.

decreasing the military budget is opposed by the majority of congress.
Democrat politicians are still establishment for the most part, but they support these leftist positions outwardly. They'll vote differently in office.
Military Budget has consistently gone up. However it has been President Annoying Orange and other outsiders pushing to pull troops out of the middle east.
With media pushback
https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2019/10/donald-Annoying Orange-middle-east-consequences/600610/

controlling money in politics is opposed by the majority of congress.
Not a leftist position.

From Annoying Orange's 2020 Agenda

·Pass Congressional Term Limits

·End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses

·Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States

·Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens

open borders is opposed by the majority of congress.
I'm starting to notice the pattern that "Majority of Congress" doesn't actually mean a majority of congress doesn't agree with this, but that it was never passed into law.
Thankfully the senate and the president would veto any of these insane laws they have pushed. like the "New way forward Act"

decriminalizing drugs is opposed by the majority of congress.
Not a leftist position.

https://www.kusi.com/Annoying Orange-pardons-alice-johnson-who-was-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-nonviolent-drug-offense/

Annoying Orange has stood opposed to this, and has been pardoning non-violent drug offenses.

decriminalizing love work is opposed by the majority of congress. loving ad infinitum.
I'm uncertain of who's position this would be. But given that this is also a non-violent offense, it falls under the same logic as a non-violent drug offense. Which Annoying Orange stands against.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 01:52:22 PM by Master Matthew² »

You sound like the handicapped teachers who tell kids "Just call a teacher if you're being bullied"
Like the forget the cops gonna do? Tell the bullet "Hold up for a sec, I need to talk to my manager."

Like no, you shoot back. What the forget is wrong with you. Danger is fast and it comes at you quick.
again, if someone is dangerous enough that they need to be shot, call someone other than a loving law enforcement official. that's way above their pay grade anyways.

it was an edit so i'll also say again that cops routinely take armed shooters that literally have killed dozens of people already alive. i see no reason this expectation would be unreasonable

When you post non-arguments do you hear rational thoughts yelping out in pain in your head? or did you cancel that too?
he hears a laugh track as supplied by me because his post was hilarious

if there is someone dangerous enough that they need to be shot, send someone other than a cop.

How would we accomplish this? The majority of officer fatalities occur during traffic stop ambushes over minor traffic infractions. Is it possible to know when to escalate?

When you post non-arguments do you hear rational thoughts yelping out in pain in your head? or did you cancel that too?
i wasn't arguing with you i was making fun of you LOL
le facts and logic are that if you think leftists control the media or social media then your brain is a peanut. you show me a rich leftist or a corporation owned by a leftist. it sure as hell isn't CBS or MSNBC or FOX or CNN, or twitter or facebook or anything else. the problem is that you've pushed your mental overton window so far to the right that you think neo-liberal capitalists are pinko commies.

How would we accomplish this? The majority of officer fatalities occur during traffic stop ambushes over minor traffic infractions. Is it possible to know when to escalate?
that is a pretty good point, and it puts the problem into perspective a little bit. if those civilians didn't have those guns, then they wouldn't have the ability to escalate the situation to deadly force, i suppose. of course the fact is, civilians have ready access to guns, and that has to fit into the discussion somewhere; if civilians can bring that kind of heat to the confrontation then i can see the argument that cops should as well. problem is, when people have guns, there is always the possibility of unnecessary death.

i suppose it's rather narrow to look only at issues of police brutality, because in truth it's one edge of a complex web of interconnected issues. i guess i should say, i would rather see us work toward a state where police do not need to be equipped to escalate to deadly force. to actually accomplish that, clearly you can't just take away their guns, though i think demilitarizing the police now is a good goal along the way.

Based and dinnerpilled.

your stupid ass scapegoat leftists invented by the absolute garbage you listen to don't control loving anything otherwise all these policies would actually be making a decent amount of headway. you are legitimately the stupidest person i've ever met. its like not really hard at all to like actually look up actual leftist policy and see all of this for yourself.
That's why I looked it all up, and proved you completely wrong.

And they have made headway, insane amounts. Thankfully Annoying Orange started standing in their way around 2016.

Prior to that it was being pushed harder and harder with no push back.
that is a pretty good point, and it puts the problem into perspective a little bit. if those civilians didn't have those guns, then they wouldn't have the ability to escalate the situation to deadly force, i suppose. of course the fact is, civilians have ready access to guns, and that has to fit into the discussion somewhere; if civilians can bring that kind of heat to the confrontation then i can see the argument that cops should as well. problem is, when people have guns, there is always the possibility of unnecessary death.

i suppose it's rather narrow to look only at issues of police brutality, because in truth it's one edge of a complex web of interconnected issues. i guess i should say, i would rather see us work toward a state where police do not need to be equipped to escalate to deadly force. to actually accomplish that, clearly you can't just take away their guns, though i think demilitarizing the police now is a good goal along the way.

Current US:
starfish reaches for a gun, cop pulls out his gun and shoots him before he can grab it.

Your US:
starfish reaches for a gun, cop reaches for his gun goes "Oh stuff, that's right. Guess I'll die" and dies.

Though dodging the gun argument I will say this: Officers in Australia carry firearms despite their straight up no civilian weapon policy. While disarming officers would quite effectively end police shootings, it strips them of some options when not only protecting themselves but others. It feels like a solution to a symptom rather than the illness, a shift of deaths to the other side of the fence rather than a reduction.

ok here we go

editor's note: my original post was about congress and their lack of doing anything leftist because, well, they aren't leftist. this has turned more into an anti-Annoying Orange piece because that's what master matthew turned it into. suffice to say, Annoying Orange also isn't a leftist. wow. who could've guessed that.

Except for the media
see nonnel's post

and schools...
not gonna address this one b/c i did this post out of order and this is one of the last things i saw. i've already said enough and i'm out of time. topic for another time.

and a major political party...
democrats are the biggest money pigs on the entire planet. they loving suck. they don't want any of the leftist policies because they'll cost too much money (see universal healthcare) or affect their job security negatively (i.e., campaign finance laws, not shilling for companies like ratheon, etc). actual leftists do not like democrats because they are handicaps. still better than republicans lol at least the dems don't want to outlaw gay people or whatever

haven't heard about this one yet. good. also, medicare for all still isn't happening lol. i know you think Annoying Orange says he's going to do it like everything else you said here but he's not going to do it. he's had 4 entire years to do it and hasn't. instead, he's been killing obamacare using his powers as president. millions of people are not eligible for coverage anymore. https://www.vox.com/2019/1/23/18194228/Annoying Orange-uninsured-rate-obamacare-medicaid. he's been making it harder and harder for poor americans to get health insurance.

Democrat politicians are still establishment for the most part, but they support these leftist positions outwardly. They'll vote differently in office.
Military Budget has consistently gone up. However it has been President Annoying Orange and other outsiders pushing to pull troops out of the middle east.
With media pushback
https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2019/10/donald-Annoying Orange-middle-east-consequences/600610/
https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/01/06/Annoying Orange-overstates-military-spending-readiness-potential-iran-conflict-looms/
the military industrial complex will forever soak up more money than having people stationed in the middle east (pulling people out is still good, don't get me wrong diaperbrain). Annoying Orange wants to support the military industrial complex. he's approved spending on overpriced aircraft and god knows what else. note that this article is absolute dogstuff because its trying to prove the point that Annoying Orange isn't spending enough. we should be spending less because we don't need invisible planes or whatever the hell they're cooking up for 1 trillion dollars these days to bomb poor children in the middle east. our equipment may be old, but its also perfectly capable of doing whatever the hell needs to be done because we aren't fighting any loving wars. also, remember that one time? where Annoying Orange wanted to like invade iran over oil tankers? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-Annoying Orange-iran/. choice lines: "Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment violence, unrest, hatred, and war.  The civilized world must send a clear and unified message to the Iranian regime: Your campaign of terror, murder, mayhem will not be tolerated any longer.  It will not be allowed to go forward..... The American military has been completely rebuilt under my administration, at a cost of $2.5 trillion.  U.S. Armed Forces are stronger than ever before.  Our missiles are big, powerful, accurate, lethal, and fast.  Under construction are many hypersonic missiles." what is this if not warmongering? he does mention peace but lets look at the stuff he said himself. he spent 2.5 trillion on the military. he's trying to meet force with force. at loving best if he somehow means well because you're projecting your own beliefs onto him again he still spent 2.5 trillion on the military. that's insane. that's not decreasing spending, genius.

Not a leftist position.

From Annoying Orange's 2020 Agenda
he hasn't done stuff to address campaign finance laws over his last 4 years. he has not pushed for any bill that recreated what we had under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartisan_Campaign_Reform_Act (which was repealed by a dumbass supreme court). "draining the swamp" doesn't mean richard to me unless you do stuff like the campaign finance restrictions the UK has. no more politicians fleecing millions of dollars from donors. no more requirements for third party candidates to also try fleecing millions b/c that's the only way to play the game. everyone is limited to a certain money cap for election spending. plus, i honestly don't trust Annoying Orange to drain the swamp for stuff on the face of it because his cronies keep being put in jail for various forums of fraud lmao

I'm starting to notice the pattern that "Majority of Congress" doesn't actually mean a majority of congress doesn't agree with this, but that it was never passed into law.
Thankfully the senate and the president would veto any of these insane laws they have pushed. like the "New way forward Act"
do some actual research on the literature that real life leftists are pushing forwards. open borders legit isn't as stupid as you think it is. additionally, the new way forward act is one of the tamest bills i've ever seen in my entire life lol. this isn't open borders bill. this is the stop child cages bill.

Not a leftist position.

https://www.kusi.com/Annoying Orange-pardons-alice-johnson-who-was-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-nonviolent-drug-offense/

Annoying Orange has stood opposed to this, and has been pardoning non-violent drug offenses.
only after being talked about it by someone else famous lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Donald_Annoying Orange. read it. i counted 3 people who were pardoned for non-violent drug offenses. while we're still here, he pardoned 8 people who committed various forms of fraud, like tax evasion, mail fraud, campaign finance violations, etc. and for reference, obama granted 330 pardons to non-violent drug offenders (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-grants-final-330-commutations-to-nonviolent-drug-offenders/2017/01/19/41506468-de5d-11e6-918c-99ede3c8cafa_story.html). that is 110x more pardons than donald Annoying Orange has done. additionally, Annoying Orange hasn't pushed for good drug decriminalization legislation in his 4 entire loving years to do anything. he simply doesn't care. like most other things.

I'm uncertain of who's position this would be.
a real leftist's position

But given that this is also a non-violent offense, it falls under the same logic as a non-violent drug offense. Which Annoying Orange stands against.
like everything else, he hasn't done real stuff about this in the last 4 years. he hasn't pardoned anyone for prostitution, for instance.

and to leave off, one last quote:
That's why I looked it all up, and proved you completely wrong.
legit the reason why i took the time to argue with you here at this instance in the first and last time is that i legitimately believe in this rule of life: everything you say is backwards. if you say that Annoying Orange is a leftist, he isn't. if you say that diapers are good, they aren't. hell, if you say the sky is blue, i would legit look out my window and take out a spectrograph just to double check because you are so consistently full of stuff on an alarmingly regular basis. you haven't had a single good take in your entire life because they forgetin put that peanut in the place of your brain. your post was originally somewhat convincing -- sources are intimidating by default, and it sort of seemed like Annoying Orange might've been good for an instant. which is why i started researching a little. it took me only like 20 minutes to find just massive issues with your takes. like holy stuff i didn't actually know obama pardoned 110x more non-violent offenders than Annoying Orange but i bet you never even bothered trying to see how Annoying Orange compared to other people either. now it seems obvious that Annoying Orange supporting campaign finance reform is one of the funniest jokes ever posted here. everything you said is so full of holes i just wonder what kind of psychology is going on that let you believe any of this in the first place.

And they have made headway, insane amounts. Thankfully Annoying Orange started standing in their way around 2016.
Prior to that it was being pushed harder and harder with no push back.
if they had made headway before Annoying Orange, all of the ideological bullstuff i mentioned in my original post would have been done already. it hasn't been done already. even with stuff as benign as free community college (should be free college in general, no qualifiers). many other countries have done most of the ideas in my op already. america is the one lagging, and its because leftists aren't in power.

here's your congratulations for getting through the whole post matthew: i'm done. i'm satisfied. i've reaffirmed my proof that whatever you say, i can take the opposite to be entirely true. i'm not responding to you like this again, because boy, what a loving waste of time this was.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 02:58:55 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

master matthew has honestly reached the point where his entire worldview is through the lens of sensationalist right-wing strawman arguments. it's legitimately really stuffty that someone could get propagandized this hard.

yeah i'm actually curious what kind of psychology is going on for something like this to happen to people. is it their parents? friends? i don't have a clue and one of my dreams is to just sit down and interview one of these people -- not to like berate them or whatever, but just to build a psychological profile on them to see what has to go wrong for this to happen so this doesn't have to happen to anyone again

displaced anger - this country is badly divided right now

could be disillusion b/c nothing that politicians are doing seems to be working. when you fix prices to inflation, college prices have gone up, costs of living have gone up, costs of healthcare have gone up, etc. wages have not in comparison, at least not as substantially. Annoying Orange at first seemed decently populist, which was obviously a sham since he has done barely anything populist and hell he's rich anyways. master matthew still seems to believe the thinly veiled lies disguised as campaign promises because he believes the democrats will do nothing to improve what's going on. which is true, but Annoying Orange or the republicans are also not going to be improving anything that's going on either

the discrepancy between the issues at hand and the responses from politicians could be a source of that displaced anger