I recently had my good computer break on me, forcing me onto an older computer. I didn't remember I used this frequently during my time on blockland.
A LOT OF THESE DO NOT LOOK GOOD. NONE OF THESE ARE IN A DATED ORDER, BUT THE stuffTIEST ONES ARE OLDER.old piano. wanted to make it function with the instruments mod, couldn't do it.
bartwars. old joke map me and nix made a while back. hosted it online with him and managed to fill a 32 player server, no clue why that happened.
Mike Burger
old medieval map I was working on. I gave up near immediately.
half life dm styled map. I had weapons laid about the map, with a gluon gun atop it, but I uninstalled those. was fun to play on with 8+ people
also part of the half life dm thing, never got to use it though. have made some changes recently, but that's on a different save.
idk what this was. I didn't make it. the topis made of light blue bricks sprayed with the glow effect. really weird looking
was remaking the Despair Fever apartments from memory. absolute brainlet, I was.
2fort bridge.
basically ninja training grounds speed jump bug, but a whole map. and by whole map I mean not nearly complete map.
I co-created this map with a dude who wanted to make a half life dm gamemode, he did most of it though. not the best looking but it was a blast to play on. the walls were added later on by me, I think it looks better without them.
Project Law
a while ago, I noted that I hadn't seen Martial Law being hosted anymore, like at all. it had been at least a year since I last played it when I decided to try and remake it from scratch. as it turns out, I didn't have quite the photographic memory that I had thought. so I said "forget it" and tried to make my own thing heavily based off of it. the prop tool was going to be in play, as well as bags that would drop random loot from 5 categories (trash, medical, civilian weapons, police weapons, military weapons). it was going well, don't know why I ever stopped it.
I still have the filler server_LoadingScreen link as well
Unjust Aftermath was a filler name.
pieces of a just beginning recreation of Vallhalla from Halo 3. I called it Ragnablok because i'm a forgetin cool CHAD i'm so EPIC bro
another map me and someone else had made together. I had the idea, we kind of built off of eachother from what i remember. I pussied out and added a big floor down there where it would be cool if there wasn't one. me me like DANGER now, not this coddled crap give me the fear of DEATH
another half life dm map. "lava" is just water with a kill brick underneath it. i liked how this looked more than the stock lava.
quite possibly the oldest non-stock build I have. first thing that made me want to make ModTer quake/HLDM styled maps. center thing sends you up onto the platforms above, lava is lava, etc etc.
that's all I have on this computer, but my interest has been piqued, so I might check out my even OLDER computer, 2011-2014 era, for more. if it functions. it probably won't.